Friday, November 29, 2019
The First Amendment Essays (909 words) - , Term Papers
The First Amendment Persuasive speech The First Amendment I. Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? II. This is an example of what American citizens said when exercising their right of free speech during the era of the Vietnam War. III. The issue I've decided to speak about is the importance of our First Amendment rights. IV. There are three areas of the First Amendment that I am going to discuss. Namely: A. The right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for change. B. The right of the press to print whatever they want. C. And of course the right to practice the religion of your choice. Transition: Loosely translated, the First Amendment states that any citizen is guaranteed the right to believe what they want to believe, practice any religion they choose, and speak out about what they agree or disagree with. It is our right to assemble peaceably in protest (or support) and, when all else fails, petition the government for change when the system is not working. I. The fact that we can assemble peaceably and petition for a redress of grievances, is a privilege that guarantees unto us the right to be heard. Whether or not any progress is made is a different story, but we are allowed in any case to bring our discontentment to light. A. What if we were not allowed to gather together and speak our minds? 1. Such public displays of discontent are met with deadly force in other regions of the world. 2. In June of 1989, in the People's Republic of China, Tiananmen Square was the site of such a demonstration by university students. a. They were peacefully protesting for greater democracy and less corruption. b. The uprising was quelled by the military, and the press was conveniently blacked-out so that everything was cleaned up by the time foreign press could investigate. c. The true body count will never be known for certain. B. What if the United States was run in the same manner? What if we were not allowed to openly criticize the government and the way they run things? 1. In the 40's, the Nazis rounded up those that didn't conform, labeled them political enemies, and sent them to the same concentration camps that they sent to murder the gypsies and Jews of Europe. 2. This practice was also not uncommon to the North Vietnamese who frequently engaged in political re-education, which was simply another term for killing during the late 60's. Transition: I've just talked about the freedom to assemble and to talk about the government, what about the press? II. In light of events such as the recent Clinton/Lewinsky scandal in reference to the Ken Starr report, and the tragic death of Princess Diana, some might say that sometimes the freedom of the press is taken too far. A. Arguably, the Ken Starr report is one of the longest and most lurid wastes of taxpayer money ever put into print. 1. Some feel that it isn't necessary to include every little detail of the President's sexual indiscretions in a media circus for the entire world to see. 2. Do we really need to know what exactly transpired? We are not his judge or his jury. B. Also unnecessary is the need to engage in a high-speed chase in order to maintain one's privacy. 1. On August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was killed in an automobile accident while trying to escape paparazzi photographers-was this really necessary? 2. Does the freedom of the press outweigh the freedom of the individual? III. Also included in this Amendment is the freedom to establish any religion and free practice thereof (so long as it doesn't interfere with another citizen's life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.) A. This does not hold true in all countries. 1. Recently, Cuba has celebrated Christmas for the first time since the communists took power in the 60's. 2. The government, having declared itself atheist in nature, decided that such a holiday would interfere with productivity and was, consequently banned. a. Industries such as sugar, which depended heavily on human labor, were no longer private corporations, but rather, they had been seized and their profits went to the now more demanding communist government. b. Mass absences for a religious holiday would not be tolerated and, likewise, be seen as an attempt to undermine the security of the nation's economy. B. That seems pretty harsh...skipping a day of work to celebrate the holiday with one's family is suddenly an act of treason? I. We must be aware of our rights, and we must fight to uphold them. A. We need
Monday, November 25, 2019
My First Love Essay Example
My First Love Essay Example My First Love Essay My First Love Essay Teens deal with conflict on a day-to-day basis. This holds true especially for Jason. You could say Jason was your average everyday teenager. He plays the guitar in his free time and has a great number of friends. But as for girlfriends, that’s a different story. It’s not like he isn’t an attractive guy. He has short brown hair, hazel eyes and a smile that was incomparable. His amazing guitar skills and abilities would make a girl go through the roof. And for one special girl, they do. Jason has attended a summer camp for the past four years.During these four years at camp there are at least ten girls who fall for him. Any other guy would see this as great, but not Jason. For three out of the four years he was at camp Jason had Brooke waiting on him at home. Brooke and Jason adored each other. But this summer would be different. Jason attends camp not looking for anyone but ends up meeting Laura. Laura lives in Campbell County and this is her second year at the c amp. Nothing really happens between them. They just become friends and promise to keep in touch until the next summer.The phone calls are endless with e-mails and online chats even longer. They are really starting to bond. By mid-September Jason’s mom, Tracy decides it’s time for everyone from the camp to meet up again before Halloween. She plans an all weekend sleepover at their house. Friends from all over the different counties will come and party the whole weekend through. The weekend before the big party, Randy, Jason’s best friend from camp comes in and helps his mom get the house ready. During that weekend, Brooke breaks Jason’s heart.She says she still loves him but isn’t in love with him. Jason is devastated. How could this be happening to him? Talking to Laura on the phone helps because she was going through the same thing. Although Laura won’t be able to make it to the party the following weekend, she calls often during that time to be there for Jason. Getting together with friends from camp helps to ease the pain. After all the partying, with their house a wreck, Tracy and Jason send everyone on their way. Since Laura wasn’t able to make it that weekend, she decides to visit the next weekend.Laura and Jason hit it off. Jason couldn’t be happier. Things are going great. But, Laura must leave and go back to her home far from Jason. They promise to keep in touch like they did after camp and they do. The random midnight phone calls just to say â€Å"Hey! †helped keep them connected. After Christmas that year, Jason and Brooke decide to work things out and give their relationship another shot. He and Laura decide that the distance is just too devastating. It’s so hard to keep a relationship with so much distance in between.Now, the phone calls are fewer because Jason is happy again. It’s great to feel loved again and to be shown love. Around a month after he stopped everyday c ontact with Laura, he receives an e-mail from her with a poem. The poem recollected all the aspects of their relationship that meant the world to her. The poem read â€Å"It all started with a naive crush on a boy with short hair who plays his guitar too much. There were meaningless conversations and our pointless first fight. The five a. m. phone calls just to tell me goodnight.Then his hour and half hour drive to see me just to make my birthday truly amazing. The secrets we kept and the things we went through. The love that this first off friendship grew into. We faced many hardships as the distance tore us apart. I listened to him sing the song about the ‘girl who broke his heart’. Just talking to him could bring me to tears, as the thought of losing him became my worst fear. As the months roll on the phone calls are less often, but the memories of our short time together are far from forgotten.We no longer devote hours each night just to talk to each other. And my constant comment that I’m ‘alright’ is still just a cover. He’ll always be my first ‘true love’ and the one who helped me grow. I’d like to thank him for all he’s taught me but, of that he’ll never know. †Jason smiled and closed his inbox. Laura had truly cared about him all that time. It was great to know he had a â€Å"true†friend. As time has passed Laura and Jason don’t talk as much as they used to but the memories of whatever they had are etched in stone forever.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Oppression And Exile Of The Israelites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Oppression And Exile Of The Israelites - Essay Example The Promised Land was first made to Abraham and was renewed to his son Isaac and later to Jacob. It was to be given to the Israelites after Moses had led them from the bondage of Egypt. Moses was the son of an Israelite but was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter and raised as a royal child in the palace. He was educated about God and his promises to the children of Israelites. By his real mother who asked to take care of him. When Moses was an adult, he found two people fighting, an Egyptian and an Israelite. He killed the Israelite to prove his loyalty to the Egyptians and due to this immoral act; he went into hiding but had his faith in God. He was later called by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery. Moses rejected the call giving a reason that he was not a good orator, but God insisted1. When he finally went to see the pharaoh, he refused to let go of the slaves as the Egyptians had provided all the services to their masters. Pharaoh was adamant about his decision of letting the Israelites go, and God punished him with the ten calamities that softened his heart and let them leave. The Israelites were difficult to persuade to leave Egypt as they had lived all their lives there. Moreover, Moses had a hard time leading them out. It was a difficult mission for Moses to lead the rowdy ex-slaves into the wilderness as they had no rules to guide them. God saw this and gave Moses the Ten Commandments after fasting for forty days at Mt Sinai. However, as Moses was climbing down the mountain, he found the Israelites doing all sorts of immoral things and worshipping idols that made him angry and dropped and broke the commandments that were written on stone pillars. Moses was very angry and destroyed the idol. He went back to the mountain to repent on behalf of the children of Israelites and after forty days, God allowed him to engrave the commandments on rock tablets.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Moises Silva's A Case for Calvinistic Hermeneutics Research Paper
Moises Silva's A Case for Calvinistic Hermeneutics - Research Paper Example According to Moises, the Calvinistic hermeneutics is an expression of the interpretation from the Calvinists. The Calvinists have their interpretation in accordance to the intended message from the historical writers, which is acceptable and understood. The Calvinists have their own theories, principles and methods that are entirely used in expressing their interpretation of the scriptures. The Calvinists indulge such methods, principles and studies to ensure they come out with the best interpretation of the Bible. This is an acceptable standard that is used worldwide in their quest for a universal interpretation that is devoid of distorted information. This shows that the Calvinists have their own unique way of interpreting the Bible, which is acceptable in their own fraternity. Therefore, the use of other principles and methods in interpreting the Bible would not be acceptable by the Calvinists. Moises insists that this is the root of a difference in some of the interpr etations in scriptures. Different fraternities have their own form of interpreting the Bible, which may not be acceptable with other fraternities.Moises states that all Christians in the world have their unique way of interpreting the Bible and scriptures. This depends on the factors that are respected by the Christians, and theory of unending faith to believe in the scriptures. This is an indication that Christians might have the same reading but have a different interpretation.... Therefore, the use of other principles and methods in interpreting the Bible would not be acceptable by the Calvinists. Moises insists that this is the root of a difference in some of the interpretations in scriptures. Different fraternities have their own form of interpreting the Bible, which may not be acceptable with other fraternities. Moises states that all Christians in the world have their unique way of interpreting the Bible and scriptures. This depends on the factors that are respected by the Christians, and theory of unending faith to believe in the scriptures. This is an indication that Christians might have the same reading but have a different interpretation, depending on their understanding of the scriptures. Comprehending the scriptures, therefore, depends on the Christian individual and the various values that are inclined to one’s faith in believing the scriptures. Some biblical texts have an insight while others have a deeper meaning. The meanings vary from C hristian to Christian, depending on the focal point and view of the information embedded in the scriptures. Some Christians only understand the outright meaning of a scripture and only take such information to use in their daily life. However, stout Christians will have a deeper and insightful reasoning from a scripture.3 This indicates that the two types of Christians read the same scripture but will denote a different understanding. This gives a difference in the hermeneutic expression, though it is in the same context. Therefore, focus on such would be a vital factor in understanding Moises’ Calvinistic hermeneutics. According to Moises, there are a number of Christians that have their own difference in interpretation the scriptures. Though they may have the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Communication - Essay Example The goal of the company is sustainable growth reflected in consistency and profits. In order to achieve its goals, the company need commitment to accelerate efficiency, reduce cost, focus on potential markets and implement efficient decision-making and execution processes. One of the greatest challenges the company is faces is that the beer industry is in its mature competitive stage. In the beer industry, 37% of American adults are beer drinkers. Furthermore, it is the widely purchased hot drink with a projected steady growth. The beverage is enjoyed by all types of consumers. Competition from other competitors is immensely strong. Every company tries to strengthen their global position. Some of Heineken’s rivals are InBev and Grupo Modelo. To cope with the stiff competition most companies, sorted to merging and acquisition. For example; South African PLC united with Miller, and Molson was acquired by Coors. In 2004, InterBrew merged with Ambev and later acquired Anheuser-Bus ch. Heineken has to ensure that it is well presented globally. It became the first company in worldwide distribution of its products aided with strategically placed warehouses. In its operations, small brewers were acquired that made it the biggest beer maker in Eastern Europe. With many brewers across the world, the company has the strength of shipping its products to local areas with minimum costs. Through the acquisition of many breweries, it managed to spread it label. The company decided not to advertise its product on TV in UK from the year 2006. This communication strategy is challenging because most corporations used media to reach homes of millions (Lin, no date). Part 2: Evaluation of corporate communication Is the communication strategy chosen by Heineken a creative corporate communication? The strategy was a right one. The aim of corporate communication is to pass your message across to clients, organization staff as well as to the stakeholders. The message preached is t he starting point of discussion within the organization, and a message can be communicated through many options. The point of argument for Heineken was that TV channels cannot effectively reach targeted market because they are many. The company sought for better alternatives that were adequate and effective than TV adverts (Aashwin 2005). Heineken became sponsors of Heineken European Cup in rugby union and European Champions League through Amstel beer. Through this strategy, the company would get exposure on TV with a target of reaching its consumers. This mode of approach looks more effective than blanket TV adverts. Creativity in reaching its global market puts it ahead of its competitors. Through this sponsorship program, customers get associated with the product of the organization. Heineken incorporated other efficient ways of communication. Communication is conveyed through mission statement, packaging, logos, livery, endorsement and straplines. Part 3: Legislation Communicati on policy is required by organizations because it provides guidelines managers should use in daily communication with employees, stakeholders and customers. Guidelines are also issued on company spokesperson and rights of employees. A clear definition of operational methods is required because they are used in marketing and influence physical design of markets and regulations. Factors to be considered when developing
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Relationship Between Organization, Structure and Culture
Relationship Between Organization, Structure and Culture Preface Our assignment is related to the subject Organization and Behavior. We collected information from various sources which includes internet, books, and class notes and by interviewing different departments of Mobilink GSM. We were rejected several times by the organization but still completing this assignment was interesting and was full of experience. We hope our work will be appreciated. Outcome 1st: Task for P1: Organization defined: Working through specific setup is called as organization. Organizational structure: In organizational structure we arrange people into groups and different departments. Organizational structure provides the pathway for the system of coverage that drives a business, dividing it into areas or departments that are responsible for certain aspects of the organizations purpose. An organization divides jobs among employees to achieve their goals more efficiently. There are different key factors which will help us to create an organization structure .we will discuss them below Work specialization: When an individual perform certain job several time on daily bases, that individual get habitual to that specific task and become experienced by doing that task again and again, this is called as work specialization. Advantages: Through work specialization level of efficiency increases in employees. Disadvantages: Employees can become bore by doing same task again and again. Lack of interest might increase by doing same task again and again. Departmentalization: Departmentalization is the combination of four departments operating department, marketing department, HRM department and finance department. This is the process of performing different tasks, advertising products, managing resources (hiring employees, machinery etc) for different tasks and providing budgets for performing different of different departments. Functional departmentalization Product departmentalization Geographic departmentalization Process departmentalization Customer departmentalization Functional departmentalization: In functional departmentalization peoples are grouped together according to the work they specialize. Groups of people then perform similar tasks and uses similar materials. Groups are then further divided into sub departments. Advantages: Efficiency of employees increases by doing same work again and again. Hiring/firing and training of employees gets easier. Each department will be responsible for their tasks. Disadvantages: In this structure communication, coordination is poor and accountability becomes difficult in this structure. (htt) (Figure showing functional departmentalization) Product departmentalization: In product departmentalization work is grouped on the basis of manufactured goods they produce. Example Nestle corporation uses product departmentalization technique for their wide range of products. Nestle produces different products like Nestle food, Nestle Beverages, Nestle Baby care products etc is controlled by executives who have full responsibility for their products. (htt1) (Figure showing product departmentalization) Geographic departmentalization: In this type of structure departmentalization occurs on the basis of region, area. Example Standard Chartered Bank has their branches almost in every city of Pakistan. Like head department of Standard Chartered Bank is in Karachi and their branches are spread over all other cities of Pakistan. Advantages: Services can be easily available for employees. Employees satisfaction increases by providing them services in every city. Service of one department in one city can be different from another department in another city. This might create some problems. Duplication of resources by having lots of managers and staff. Lack of communication with head office is the disadvantages. Process departmentalization: In process departmentalization department are organize to perform particular job. The members of staff are grouped together to concentrate on specific job. In process departmentalization specialization increases because worker has to focus on single task. Example: Making Passport, ID Card etc. Chain of command: A chain of command set up the line of authority within the organization. It helps employee that to whom they will be responsible. Its starting with the board of directors and extended down through the various level in hierarchy to the point where basic function of the organization carried out. Centralization: Centralization is a procedure where top managers take decision; in centralization authority and power remain with high-class managers. Lower level employee are not considerable that much important. Decentralization: Decentralization is the reciprocal of centralization. Here planning and decision-making are distributed among employees. Decentralization has several benefits compare to centralization Employees get motivated by involving them in decision making Decision making get faster. coordination improve through organization Matrix structure: Matrix structure is combination of several different designs want to combine their benefits and avoid there drawbacks. Employees have to responsible for two bases. Organizational Culture: Definition: A specific system of running, controlling which represents and distinguishes an organization from another organization OR Physical image of an organization that is values, understanding, attitude, norms of an organization Characteristics of organization culture: Organizational culture plays major role in the development of an organization. Its gives distinct value to organization, it smoothen path for innovation and risk taking, it provides stability to organization. Some more characteristics of organization structure are explained below. Dominant value: As the name indicates dominant values are specific qualities of a person or an organization. Major values of an organization or person are called as dominant value. Rules: Complete framework of an organization for new coming employees and to the existing employees. All employees must obey all the rules and regulations of an organization. Example, what time to come, when to leave, what to do and what not do etc. Organization climate: Is physical layout of an organization that is how the building of an organization, is it well decorated, how are employees of organization, their dress their attitude toward clients etc? Example: Standard Charted Bank. When we go there we will notice that building would be nicely decorated, all the employees will have proper uniform etc which is the physical representation of Standard Chartered Bank Philosophy: As we know for an organization costumers are king because without costumer organization cannot run. Philosophy is the main characteristic of an organization culture because here we emphasis on how to treat customers and how to behave costumers. Team orientation: Team orientation is another salient characteristic of organizational culture. Individuals or groups of individuals are grouped together to perform different activities of an organization. Innovation and risk taking: Working on new thing is called as innovation, no doubt innovation is quite risky but it can be very helpful for an organization. (htt2) Example viewing organization culture: Mobilink GSM: culture of Mobilink GSM is to totally satisfy customer and shareholders wants, their dominant values include business brilliance, confidence honesty value for public, corporate social responsibility. Sub Culture: Sub culture is basically a culture with in a culture, like every organization has its specific culture then in organization every department has its own culture that is style of operating controlling of marketing department is different than finance department and similarly culture of HR department is different that marketing department. Developing Organizational Culture: While developing a culture there are some factors which affect organizational culture at a great, of which some are explained below. Economic conditions: Economic conditions has great affect on organization culture because if the time for an organization is prosperous so definitely organizations will be looking for innovations, new ideas etc but on the other hand if time is not prosperous, there are inflations for an organizations so no doubt organization will face a lot of problems. Formation: Formation or structure means how are tasks ordered. In flexible structured organization employees are motivated by giving them rewards etc. Employees are given good working condition. On the other hand if the structure of organization is stressful so definitely employees will be demotivated this will decrease their interest level of work. Leadership style: Leader must implement such rule and regulations which are both convenient for employees to follow as well as profitable for organization. It is up to the leader how he controls an organization. Changing Culture: Changing organizational culture is huge tough task according to expert it takes 8 years for an organization to change their culture as a whole, but mostly organizations alter their negative culture. Change in culture can be made by changing mission and vision of an organization etc. Some factors which are playing great role in changing organization culture are described below. Mission and Vision: In order to change organizational culture changes must be made in the mission and vision statement of organization. As mission and vision is communication purpose to stakeholders, mission and vision for an organization should be wisely selected. Alteration from top to down: While changing organizational culture it is important that whatever changes are made by an organization it should be followed by top level managers as well lower level managers and employees because it is obvious if top managers are implementing new rule and they them self not following rule changing of culture might not be possible. Physical sign of culture: New culture must be physically visible that is style of working, dress of employees and attitude toward stakeholders etc must match the changed culture. Leadership: Leader provides motion for cultural alteration. It is the leader who will guide about new alteration of culture plus leader is one who will implement new culture. Importance of culture: Culture affects over all activities of an organization. It is the culture which represents organizations that how they perform their different tasks. Culture plays lively role in the motivation of employees and culture of an organization is the communication purpose to other stakeholders like customers, competitors etc. Some of the salient points of culture are explained below. Motivation: Culture of an organization helps in the motivation of employees because if the culture of an organization is flexible employees will be encouraged they will be interested in organization, similarly if the culture of an organization is not fulfilling employees demand definitely it will have bad impact on success of an organization. Image of an organization: It is culture which gives an organization a distinctive image. Culture represents an organization that is how is does an organization perform their activities how are there attitude toward customers, employees and other stakeholders. Communication: As discussed above culture plays great role in communication to customers and other stakeholders. Working style, building style and their attitudes attracts customers. Flexibility: Culture provides flexibility in an organization by giving value to customers and having friendly working condition for employees and managers etc. Kinds of culture: There are different types of culture, which are expressed below. Power culture Role culture Task culture Person culture Task for P2: Relationship between organization structure and culture: Organizational structure is the mechanism by which efforts and works are coordinated with supervision to produce the results that are hoped from organizational culture. One of the most important features in relationship between organizational structure and culture is that it gives clear picture to the employees about their limitations and responsibilities and so not to concern about the issues that are beyond their scope of expectation this will help employees to work more efficiently. An effective coalition between organization structure and culture gets people closer to achieve organizational end goals more efficiently. Affect of structure on organization: Structure has a great affect on the performance of organization. If the structure of an organization is flexible the employees of that organization will be motivated and they will perform their task willingly. Structure of an organization helps in maintaining communication and stresses on coordination. Mainly there are two kinds of structures which are given below. Tall structure. An organization which have tall structure will have lower span of control that is there will be lots of hierarchy of manager is high. Advantage: low level of span of control, motivation of employees, good coordination. Disadvantage: expensive because so many managers required for an organization, distraction of accountability, single task is passed from so many individuals in organization, slow decision. Narrow structure: According to specialists single individual can handle well 8 individuals. In narrow structure of an organization there is high span of control, that hierarchy of managers is lower as compared to tall structure. Advantages: less expensive because low number managers, decision making is fast, good communication among employees. Disadvantage: high span of control that is pressure on manager is a lot. Example: We visited Mobilink GSM Peshawar, we had an interview with Customer Care Department. According to them structure of Mobilink GSM is decentralized due to which employees are satisfied from organization structure because they are involve in decision making this really motivates customers and this leads to innovations as well. Affects of culture on organization: Culture has a great affect on organization. If the culture of an organization is good corporate culture employees will be motivated and they will work efficiently and it is also the communication purpose to other stakeholders like customers, shareholders, and government etc. Some salient characteristics of organizational culture are given below. Organizational culture is the physical image of an organization. Helps in making good image of an organization. It is the communication purpose to stakeholders. Example: Mobilink GSM has great friendly environment. When we visited Mobilink GSM we feel our selves like we are home we were asked about what to take and what to eat, this really attracted us and felt us happy. Employees are motivated by various methods specially by awarding them and Mobilink GSM provides their employees with necessities of life like they have air condition system in whole organization in summer while in winter they have heater system and they provide employees coffee breaks etc which increase the level of interests of employees. Task for P3: Individual behavior at work: According to psychologist understanding human psyche is very tough job as we know behavior of one person will be different from another. Behavior of individual varies according to conditions around. Interpersonal behaviors are changed from individual behaviors, that is when a person is alone his/her personality changes as compared to when an individual is with other individuals. On the other hand group behavior is different from interpersonal or individual behavior. Example person named Ahmed sets with his colleagues, Ahmads attitude, style and other things which are concerned with his personality will be changes as compared to when Ahmad is alone. Personality: Personality is the general model of an individuals beliefs, feelings, and behaviors which represents style of individuals involving to the surroundings. Personality of a person involves persons height, weight, attitude, fashion, thinking etc. factors which affect personality are given below. Heredity: It involves attitudes, feelings, thinking and behavior etc that you learn from your parents, siblings etc. It is not 100% sure that your personality will resemble to your parents and siblings it may vary. Environment: Your personality changes according to environment you living. If an individual owns good personality that having good attitude, good expression etc definitely that individuals behavior at work would be appreciative. Perception: Is a method in which individual get in-coming information from their surroundings and then arrange and build out these to understand in a particular manner. Each in-coming information or happening going on nearby of individual is perceived in a particular style by every individual. Therefore perception is a center for the communication of a person with its surroundings both at job or other place. Perceptual selectivity: Human minds are attacked by different information all the time. What basically perceptual selectivity means is that selecting of information by our mind to understand, it is not under the control of human being. Further components of perceptual selectivity are. Context 2. Nature of stimuli 3. Internal factors 4. Fear and trauma Attitude: It is basically the response of an individual to all the actions happening in surrounding to it. Attitude is very important because it is attitude which represents you that is how you perform different task and how you deal things happening around you. Ability: Ability of an individual is inborn quality it changes which passage of time like when an individual perform some task again and again a time may come that person will perform activity efficiently. Ability of an individual in organization is required to obtain certain goals and objectives. Task for M1: Culture and structure of selected organization: The organization which I have selected is Mobilink GSM, Pakistan. About Mobilink: Mobilink GSM started its business as the primary GSM cellular cell phone services inside Pakistan through MOTOROLA Inc in 1994, afterward Mobilink GSM was purchased by Orascom Telecom Holding (OTH) which is the first multi-national company of Egypt. Mobilink GSM, a subordinate of the Orascom Telecom Holding, is Pakistans primary cellular and Blackberry service supplier. Having more than 31.5 million subscribers, Mobilink holds market leadership through progressive integrated expertise, the strongest trademark and the largest range of value added services in the business. (Wikipedia , 2011) Mobilink Mission Statement: The business is devoted to give its stakeholders highest level of satisfaction through admirable services and show that we as a corporation meeting our commercial as well as moral objectives, in ways that a regular sensible communal expectations of accountable cellular corporations. (Mobilink GSM, 2011) Culture of Mobilink GSM: Complete purchaser approval: According to Mobilink GSM clients are key to their achievements. Mobilink GSM says that costumers has expectation from us and they are doing to the best of their ability to provide them quality, services more that what they have expected. We will surely work according to needs of our clients. Business brilliance: Mobilink GSM struggle to provide the best quality to our clients. Furthermore Mobilink seek to the uppermost standards and search to identify costumer needs every day. This leads Mobilink GSM to market leading company and gives satisfaction to the stakeholders. Confidence honesty: Mobilink GSM gets arrogance in working the top moral principles in an open and frank environment, and by devoting their promises. Value for public: Mobilink GSM runs its business by its relation with peoples. Mobilink GSM gives its importance to its employees and other stakeholders and Mobilink GSM believe in cooperation. Value for employees: Mobilink provide good, flexible and friendly working environment for their employees. Mobilink GSM treats their employees and managers very well and gives them good amount of salary along with security. Corporate Social Responsibility: Mobilink GSM believes that costumers and businesses are in relationship with each other. They are interdependent to each other. Being good corporate business Mobilink not only focuses on earning profit from society but they also spend in the prosperity of societies. (Mobilink GSM, 2011) Mobilink GSMs organizational Structure: We visited Mobilink GSM, we conducted an interview with their Customer Care department and also with HR department. According to Customer Care department and HR department organizational structure of Mobilink GSM is Decentralized. This means that Mobilink GSM involves their lower level managers and employees in decision making. Advantages of this structure: Due to this structure employees are motivated they consider organization as their family they then work efficiently. This structure leads to new innovations because employees of Mobilink GSM told us in interview that employees can give their suggestions and feedback whenever they want, and feedbacks of employees are given great attention. When their suggestions are liked by the top managers, employees are given different rewards even some employees were given Dubai return tickets. (Figure showing Organizational structure of Mobilink GSM) (Source: Interview) Strategic decision making: Strategic decisions of Mobilink GSM are made by Chief Executives (Presidents) in Islamabad. Other decisions are made by directors of each department involving their lower level managers and employees as well. Task for D1: Recommendations: When skills of employees increases salary should be increased as well. In order to keep employees motivated and efficient they should be given training repeatedly. Giving awards on good performance to employees should be maintained this will develop competition among employees. Keeping in mind conditions of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa employees should be provided good security. Each department should have emergency alarm and fire distinguisher which would be use in case of emergency. They should provide pick and drop system this will attract employees from competitors. Customer Care Department should be improved because too much customers are dissatisfied from their work. Customers are not satisfied from the mistakes of billing department. As compared to competitors prices are high and customer is dissatisfied with the quality as well. Outcome 2nd Task for P4: Organizational or managerial theories: Before we discuss organizational theories it is important first to know what management is. Management: The art of taking work from employees or people effectively and efficiently. Effectiveness means doing exact work as told. Efficiency doing work with less possible input and more possible output. History: The word manage comes from Italian word (maneggiare) and (maneggiare) itself is derived from Latin word (Manus) which means hand. Later on, in 17th and 18th centuries, French word (Mesnagement) influenced in meaning of the English word (Management).. Ranks of management: There are three ranks of management, high-level managers, middle-level managers and lower-level managers. Each rank has its own authorities in organization, which is discussed below. High-level managers: This includes board of directors, presidents, vice presidents and chief executives. They generally make top decisions. They are accountable for the outside image of organization. Middle-level managers: This normally includes general managers, department managers etc. They are accountable to high-level managers. They basically acts like interpreters, they describe information of high-level managers to lower-level managers. Lower-level managers: They are managers who have direct contact with employees, lower-level managers gives job to employees and takes work from them. In short its lower-level managers who run organization on daily bases. Development of management thought: how does management start that which steps an organization should carry in order to manage organization Different organizational theories are of which some are discussed below. Scientific Management: To convert your short skilled labor into efficient employees. This will happen by giving your employees good training that is how to perform different task and by increasing their wages this will increase their interest in work. Explanation: scientific management is also known as Taylorism. It was developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, he said that organization cannot be managed by hazy ideas it should be managed by organized rules. Principles of Scientific Management: >> Employees should be train for more improvement and they should be motivated by giving awards etc to employees. >> Recruitment should be completely base on merit (scientifically). >> Boss should not be so strict so that employees become stressful nor should the boss be so friendly that employees do not perform their tasks effectively. >> When sales increases, wages should be increased as well. This will encourage employees a lot. >> There should be possible minimum work pressure on employees so that they can perform their tasks well. Human Relations Approach: This approach emphasize on, that human should not be considered as machines, they should be given proper relation and breaks when working Explanation: This approach was first introduced by George Elton Mayo. He was the first person who talked about human relationships approach. He said that human beings become bored when do something for long time without proper breaks, they should be given breaks, they should be provided food, water etc while working in organization. Salient features of Human Relationships Approach: >> Employees should be motivated positively not by force. >> Employees should not be considered as rational, they should be given breaks while working in organization. >> This approach stresses on team work, because by team there is low level of work pressure on employees plus when more than one individuals are grouped together to solve specific problem they will do it more effectively as compared to an individual who is alone. Classical Administration: Henri Fayol introduced classical administration. Henri Fayol was suburb of Turkey who was born in 1841 and was French mining engineer. He gave 14 principles of management. Which are discussed below. Division of work: To train employees in order to make them more efficient. Authority: Managers should have the ability take work from employees. That he/she should be able to make employees to obey their orders. Discipline: There should be proper rules and regulations in organization and all employees must obey them. Example: wearing proper uniform, coming on time and leaving on time etc. Unity of command: Employees should be accountable to one boss because the number of boss in organization is more than one this will cause confusion for employees. Unity of direction: in order to avoid distraction employees must go on one plan that is one direction. Subordination of person interests to the common interest: Interests of organization must be given top priority. Remuneration: There should be extra packages for employees in organization. Employees should be given good wage. Centralization: It means making of decisions by managers. Hierarchy: They are the managers to whom employees are accountable. Order: To place right person the task that is every person should be given task according to the work they specializes. Equity managers should not be cruel or bad with employees they should be friendly with employees. Stability of staff: There should not be surplus of employees not shortage of employees in organization. Initiatives: Organization should focus on innovation, they should take risk in making new things. Esprit De Corps: To work as team because it will ease task for every employees. (Wikipedia, 2011) Function of management: Managing almost in every organization helps in achieving organizational goals and objectives, it brings employees closer that is stresses on team work. Management plays great role on motivating employees. There are different functions of management which are planning, organizing, leading, coordinating and controlling. Planning: For achieving organization goals and objectives planning is done. That how will an organization achieve their goals and objectives. Planning further includes mission, goals, objectives, tactics, budgeting and procedure. Mission: It is the very reason of existence of an organization. Goals: Are the long term intentions, what an organization wants to become in future. Objectives: Are short term intentions of an organization. Tactics: Are methodologies used to achieve objectives (short term targets). Strategies: Are game plans which are used to achieve long term targets of an organization (goals). Budgeting: Amount of capital (money) required for achieving specific goal is called as budgeting. Procedure: Is the specific way of doing some activity. OR Rules and regulations to do some work. Organizing: Collecting the best resources to achieve different goals and objectives of an organization, which is having good machinery, skilled employees and managers etc. Leading: guiding employees how to perform tasks in organization, how to behave clients etc. Coordinating: Providing team work environment, which is helping each other in organization in order to be successful. Controlling: to monitor how are tasks going on and is it going according to the plan or not. Motivation: Without motivating employees taking work from them is so difficult. Employees should be motivated because then they will do their work effectively and efficiently and with interest. Employe
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Baltimore Believe Campaign :: essays papers
Baltimore Believe Campaign The Baltimore Believe Campaign was started in April of 2002. It is a city wide campaign aimed to reduce the amount of drug use in the city. The idea of the â€Å"Believe†campaign has never been tried before. The campaign calls for Baltimore to believe, believe that drugs can be eliminated off of the streets, and drug dealers to be punished. Since the start of the campaign the idea has expanded around the country. Mayor Martin O’Malley has spread his idea around. The Believe Campaign surfaced in April of 2002. By April 14, 2002 the â€Å"Declaration of Independence from Drugs†was released in The Sun Newspaper (Wilber, The Sun). The Baltimore Police Foundation funds the campaign. All around the city there are billboards, trashcans, and bumper stickers with the word â€Å"BELIEVE†on them. The first hearing of the campaign was on April 6th, 2002. In October of 2003 Mayor O’Malley when on a trip to London, he was there to discuss the Baltimore Believe Campaign. London was interested in starting a campaign based on the believe campaign. The campaign is an ongoing part of the Baltimore City Community’s everyday actions. Mayor Martin O’Malley put the idea into motion. As said in a letter from Thomas D. Vicino, from the New York Times, â€Å"Mayor Martin O'Malley's efforts should be applauded. He has conquered the first obstacle in fighting urban decay: recognition of a problem. Keep on believing, Baltimore, because if we don't, how can anything change?†(Vicino, New York Times). There is really no other way to summarize all of the things Mayor O’Malley has done for the campaign. Another important role is the Baltimore Believe Leadership. This group works with the help number, 1-866-BELIEVE, and the campaign by setting up fundraisers and other events. Mayor O’Malley and the Baltimore Believe Leadership hold press conferences to inform the people about what goes on with the Believe Campaign’s progress and areas of concern regularly so the community stays informed on the progress. The community is another big role in the campaign. The communities of Baltimore Ci ty have taken the campaign in and â€Å"believe†it will have a positive affect on their communities. On April 6th, 2002 Mayor O’Malley announced his campaign to clean the streets of Baltimore. The Mayor had acknowledged a huge problem in the city, the drugs on the street were becoming out of control.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 and Joan Littlewood’s Oh! What a Lovely War Essay
Compare the ways in which figures of authority are portrayed in Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 and Joan Littlewood’s Oh! What a Lovely War. Both Catch 22 and Oh! What a Lovely War are satirical comedies looking at the absurdity and tragedy of war. Being satires, they serve to expose the flaws in wartime situations and in doing so often develop criticisms of authoritative figures. Both texts approach the portrayal of authority in slightly different ways; being a play, Oh! What a Lovely War has a lot more scope for portraying its characters visually and aurally, whereas Catch 22 must work within its boundaries as a novel. Both texts employ humour to portray characters of authority; whereas Littlewood’s play is more focused on dark humour, Heller uses his own brand of absurd irony throughout the novel – this humour is central to most techniques used in both pieces of literature. Both texts were written in the 1960’s, (Catch 22 was published in 1961 whilst Littlewood’s play was performed two years later) an era synonymous with the development of youth culture and radical change. Although Catch 22 was initially snubbed by many of its critics, the novel found its readership amongst the emerging generation of men and women who were fiercely opposed to the Vietnam war. Littlewood did not face the same hostility in 1963 when Oh! What a Lovely War was first shown to the public. Performed by the Theatre Workshop – a company she had co-created – the play was warmly received by the audience and critics alike. Despite their different reactions, both texts were on the cutting edge of anti-war sentiment and continue to be modern classics. Although the texts focus on different wars and different perspectives (Littlewood’s play explores World War One from a primarily British perspective and Heller’s novel is an American outlook on World War Two) their main themes are similar. Both texts are exploring the tragedy of war, the utter absurdity of it, the thirst for power and money war brings, and the ignorance of authoritative organisations. Figures of authority are numerous in both pieces, and do not only include the upper ranks (such as Generals, Field Marshalls and Colonels) but also the representations of business and religious organisations, for they too can be viewed as having ‘authoritative’ roles in society, especially in wartime. One technique used by both authors is a demonstration of the lack of communication between commanding powers. Littlewood’s portrayal of the allied army leaders is very effective in signalling how inefficient they are at communicating with one another. The French General Lanzerac and British Field Marshall ‘French’ do not even speak the same language, and French’s unwillingness to do so reveals the total futility and worthlessness of their meeting: Aide: Do you think I ought to organise an †¦ interpreter? French: Don’t be ridiculous Wilson; the essential problem at the moment is †¦ the utmost secrecy.(p21) In this scene the obsession with secrecy over commonsense negotiations shows us how inefficient the allied army authorities are, and the analogy of the different languages spoken serves to demonstrate the complete lack of communication amongst authoritative powers that hold the fate of thousands in their hands. In the same way, Catch 22 looks at the problem of communication within the upper ranks. The call General Peckam receives from Ex P.C Wintergreen – the sole words being ‘T.S. Elliot'(sic) – has no hidden meaning but is interpreted in an absurd way; â€Å"Perhaps it’s a new code or something, like the colors of the day. Why don’t you check with Communications and see if it’s a new code or something or the colors of the day?†(p45). This sentence also shows us some insight into General Peckam’s intellect, which doesn’t seem to be substantial – demonstrated by the repetition and imprecision of speech. Another example of these communicative difficulties is the case of Major Major who receives documents to sign, which have his signature already. The squabbling within the upper ranks is evident in both texts and serves to show us the pettiness and idiocy of figures of authority. There are many instances in Catch 22 where the Generals are engaged in sneaky tricks against one another. General Dreedle’s hatred of his son-in-law Colonel Moodus for example, inspires him to keep a beautiful nurse just to torment him with, and the ‘Great Loyalty Oath Crusade’1 is started by Captain Black in an attempt to avenge himself on Major Major (who gained the promotion Captain Black was waiting for). Similarly in Oh! What a Lovely War, the Belgian, British and French army officials are at odds with one another. The Belgian army are in a sorry state, the French are angry at the British, and the British refuse to believe they have any responsibility in the war; ‘We’re not here under any obligation’ French persists in telling Lanzerac. The heated discussion only ends when Lanzerac is offered a medal on behalf of the King of England. This gesture pleases the General, who ‘kisses French on both cheeks’ and leaves, suggesting that the upper ranks of the army are only interested in recognition and promotion. This is a very powerful notion in Catch 22, in which key characters such as Colonel Korn and Colonel Cathcart will do everything in their power to be promoted. Cathcart says of his ambition: â€Å"What else have we got to do? Everyone teaches us to aspire to higher things. A general is higher than a colonel and a colonel is higher than a lieutenant colonel. So we’re both aspiring†(p450). One of the most important aspects of both texts is how different the experience of war is for the upper ranks and the ordinary men. The inability of authoritative figures to understand the realities of war and their cruel, seemingly deliberate ignorance in many situations is demonstrated in a number of key scenes. An important example of this in Oh! What a Lovely War is on pages 50/51 where a commanding officer reveals his detachment from ordinary trench life, and his unawareness of the death that surrounds the men every day; â€Å"Ye Gods! What’s that?†he asks the Lieutenant upon encountering a German limb that holds up the parapet, immediately telling the men to get rid of it as soon as possible. The Sergeant’s response reveals how clueless those in authority are to the brutalities of war: â€Å"Heads, trunks, blood all over the place, and all he’s worried about is a damned leg†. This warped, uninformed sense of priority and general detachment is evident in Catch 22, especially within Colonel Cathcart’s storyline. Heller’s novel is jumbled chronologically, but one dependable indication of time is the number of missions the men are forced to fly under Cathcart’s orders, which steadily increases as the story progresses. What is simply a number for the colonel is a very real death threat to the men of his squadron, many of whom reach the target just as the missions increase. Cathcart raises them for purely selfish reasons – he hopes to gain recognition for his squadron’s record and receive a promotion. The Colonel’s constant cry of â€Å"Doesn’t he know there’s a war going on†when Yossarian refuses to fly further missions is one of Heller’s brilliant lines of absurd irony, as it relates directly to the figures of authority in the novel. They seem to be playing an insane game, unaware of how t heir actions affect the men – they themselves don’t realise they’re fighting a war. Other instances of differences between upper and lower rank men can be found in both texts. The final scene of Oh! What a Lovely War portrays the men as lambs to the slaughter at the order of their glory-obsessed officer, and we find them shouting â€Å"Baaa – baaa – baaa †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p86) as they advance towards the guns. In Catch 22 the Colonels are amazed that the ordinary men worship the same God as them, and after the revelation from the Chaplain refuse to believe it saying â€Å"What nonsense!†â€Å"Does he expect us to believe that?†and â€Å"Chaplain, aren’t you stretching things a bit far now?†(p407). A noticeable aspect of both texts is the portrayal of other key figures of authority – primarily those of big business and religion. Where Littlewood is severely critical of both, Heller holds some sympathy for his character the Chaplain (a representation of religion). Common to both writers is a disgust toward capitalists who exploit war for their own commercial gain. The munitions manufacturers in Oh! What a Lovely War are introduced on stage as members of a shooting party, an ironic analogy highlighting the part they play in the destruction of so many young men. They discuss the ‘peace scares’ that threaten their income, and congratulate one another for their inhuman schemes in money making: Britain: German chappies were caught on their own barbed wire?†¦.Dashed clever. (p46) In the same way, the character Milo Minderbinder in Catch 22 exposes the lack of morals and boundaries capitalism creates in wartime. His collaboration with the enemy goes unnoticed due to his profit-making, and he even ends up bombing his own men and planes as part of a German contract; ‘If I can persuade the Germans to pay me a thousand dollars for every plane I shoot down, why shouldn’t I?'(p273) he tells Yossarian. The forces of religious belief in Littlewood’s play are greeted with hostility as tools for the war propaganda machine, who support the war effort rather than fighting for the rights of the soldiers; Chaplain: †¦ it is no longer a sin to labour for war on the Sabbath†¦the Chief Rabbi has absolved your Jewish brethren from abstaining from pork in the trenches. (p77) Religion is portrayed in a slightly more sympathetic light in Heller’s novel. The Chaplain is the only character who really connects with Yossarian, and his efforts to help dissuade the Generals from raising the number of missions proves a real commitment and solidarity to the squadron. He is rejected from the Officer’s Hall and treated disrespectfully by the Colonels, showing us that even Christianity is powerless in the face of such frighteningly stubborn authority. Another key theme of both texts is the portrayal of war as a game, or as something frivolous and light-hearted by those in authority. The very form of Oh! What a Lovely War is as a musical show, with song and dance. Key song titles include ‘I’ll make a man out of you’ and the grand finale track ‘Oh it’s a lovely war’ which paints the text as a Broadway extravaganza rather than a harrowing look at battle. This technique is very effective in creating a bitter and attacking tone towards authoritative powers – especially considering the nature of the opening scene. In a circus like frenzy the MC brings on the players of the ‘war game’; France, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Great Britain and Russia. This structural difference between the play and Catch 22 means that Oh! What a Lovely War parodies authority more consistently. Littlewood constructed the play as a ‘show’, so the ability of characters in power to undermine the seriousness of war is endless. ‘The War Game’ is a classic example of this, as is the ‘grouse-shooting party’ which consists of munitions manufacturers from the key nations involved in war. Other techniques were available to Littlewood – lyrically bitter songs and the use of slides as an accompaniment to the speech, which both served as attacking forces against the power of authority in the play. Examples of this can be found in song titles such as ‘If the sergeant steals your rum’ and ironic lyrics like ‘with our old commander, safely in the rear’ in the hymn ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’. The use of slides and the ‘newspanel’ is used on many occasions as a reinforcement of the ignorance seen in authoritative men such as Haig: Newspanel: BY NOV 1916 †¦ TWO AND A HALF MILLION MEN KILLED ON WESTERN FRONT Haig: I thank you, God; the attack is a great success. (p78) They are also used comically to outline the stupidity of the Generals: British Admiral: †¦ Have you got a plan? British General: Of course. Slide 5: A blank British Admiral: Yes, I thought so. (p6) In a structural sense, the techniques available to Heller with which to parody authority are much more limited. In a novel, all character representations are formed with literary descriptions and cannot rely on visual or aural aids like a play. His technique of storytelling is not as varied or spectacular as Littlewoods, but the effects of his bizarre plots are as successful in criticising authoritative powers as the use of slides and song in Oh! What a Lovely War. Colonel Cathcart’s ‘bombing pattern’ is a sufficient example of this and bears comparison with the ‘War Game’ approach by Littlewood. Disregarding the fact that men are risking their lives on the insane bombardier missions they are forced to fly, Cathcart’s sole concern is whether their bombs create an aesthetically pleasing pattern from the air – ‘We didn’t get the bridge’ he tells Milo whilst recalling a previous mission, ‘but we did have a beautifu l bomb pattern. I remember General Peckam commenting on it’. (p†¦ The episodic form of both texts may disrupt the sense of progression, but it is noticeable that the tone of both pieces of literature changes as they near completion. The bitterness towards authority increases, and humour is more often interspersed with moments of seriousness and tragedy. In Act Two of Littlewood’s play, a moment of chaos reaches a serious climax with the juxtaposition of Haig and the British General’s telephone conversations against a background of men singing ‘They were only playing leapfrog’. The two men speak simultaneously in broken sentences until Haig’s final comment ‘No, you must reserve the artillery; we are using too many shells’ is uttered at the same time as the General’s last words, ‘Night has fallen. The clouds are gathering. The men are lost somewhere in no man’s land.’ This uncharacteristically sombre moment is shocking and serves to signpost the ignorance and inhumanity of Haig in times of crisis. In a similar way the absurd force of bureaucracy in Heller’s novel borders on seriousness when Don Daneeka is recorded as killed and remains dead due to the power of paperwork. His presence in the novel is a tragic reminder of the madness of war, and his character becomes a living ghost, ‘the sacks under his eyes turned hollow and black, and he padded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spook†¦then, only then, did he realize that, to all intents and purposes, he really was dead.’ (p366) The endings of both texts leave the reader with a slightly different outlook of authority and war. Whereas Oh! What a Lovely War finishes as it started, with a grand song in the traditional musical style, Catch 22 is much more subdued and understated. Both endings tell us something about the intention of the author, and of their opinion on the subject of war and authority. Littlewood wants to leave the audience feeling embittered and slightly outraged at the notion of the Great War as a show, in order to demonstrate the atrocities committed by those in authority against the ordinary men. The final songs ‘Chanson de Craonne’, ‘ I don’t want to be a Soldier’, ‘And when they ask us’, and ‘Oh it’s a lovely war’ express both comic elements (‘I’d rather stay at home †¦ and live off the earnings of a lady typist’) and the tragic undertones that run throughout the play (‘I don’t want a bayonet in my belly’). Although these final songs are more preoccupied with the tragedy and futility of warfare, their tone is still bitter towards commanding powers – such as the King and the Generals – who promised them a ‘lovely war’, and described the life of a soldier as the ‘cushiest job’ they would ever have. The cause of this great tragedy is clearly explained in Littlewood’s play as a direct result of the ignorance and greed of commanding powers, in particular the European Empires and Haig, along with his circle of title-seeking aristocrats. Within the play there are other specific objects of blame; firstly the British Generals, Field Marshall French, and the British Aristocracy. Other possible areas of criticism lie in the portrayal of religion, and of the capitalists who profited from the war. Oh! What a Lovely War is a text very much favouring the ordinary soldiers, all of whom are represented as decent, kind-hearted, and spirited young men. These soldiers are the victims of authoritative powers, they are the lambs going to slaughter, and the grouse at the shooting party. Littlewood is not vague or subtle in her attack of the commanding men, and portrays them as idiots, fat cats and cowards. She intends to show us that they were the main cause of madness in wartime, and that t hese men of authority should be held to blame for the destruction of a generation. The conclusion of Catch 22 is quite different, and ends with the spontaneous attempt by Yossarian to run away from the military base. Heller’s ending is a very interesting final act of defiance for his character, against the powers of authority in the novel. Despite having an easy route out of the air force – a simple but dishonest deal with Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn – Yossarian chooses to reject it. The presence of Nately’s whore at the very end of the novel, who unsuccessfully tries to stab him, is perhaps an indicator that Yossarian is making the right choice in escaping from the madness and corruption of ‘bureaucracy’ (the main authoritative force in Catch 22). The specific targeting of key characters is evident in Heller’s novel as it was in Oh! What a Lovely War, with the Colonels and Generals (Cathcart, Korn, Dreedle and Peckam among others) being the main hosts for criticism. However, I believe there is a difference between both texts regarding the role authoritative figures play in war. Whereas Littlewood shows us that the commanding men create the chaos due to their own callous stupidity, in Catch 22 the madness of war seems to be a character unto itself. Although the commanding officers are idiotic and dangerously selfish, this insane wartime logic affects most of the ordinary men – except for Yossarian and the Chaplain. A good example of this is near the end of the novel when Aarfy – one of the men in the squadron – rapes and kills a young girl. wYossarian’s utter horror when he discovers the scene is elevated further with the arrival of the police, who arrest him for being in Rome without a pass, completely ignoring the dead body on the pavement. Aarfy’s explanation ‘I hardly think they’re going to make too much of a fuss over one poor Italian servant girl, when so many thousands of lives are being lost every day’ seems to bear a lot of truth. The infuriating authority figures in this novel and the foolish stunts they are engaged in appear to be more a product of war madness than a cause of it. Therefore, although both texts portray figures of authority in similar ways, their intentions are fundamentally different. Littlewood blames the commanding individuals and glorifies the men who were sacrificed under ridiculous orders. Heller looks beyond these small but powerful characters to a greater evil – the madness of war and the insane chaos it creates in all; Colonels, Generals, Capitalists and even ordinary soldiers. 1 The Great Loyalty Oath Crusade was created to divert attention towards Captain Black and thus gain him a promotion – the men must swear an oath of allegiance ‘to get their pay from the finance officer†¦to have their hair cut by the barbers.’ (p125)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How Africans Americans Have Worked to End Isolation Essay
Africans had fought very hard to obtain equal rights in the United States. After the civil war the country begin their journey in America History with period known as Reconstruction (Bowls 2011, 1. 1). There are several reasons why the nation went to war, and one of the most important was the right to continue the practice of slavery. From 1865 to the present, African Americans have worked to end their isolation through legislation, protest, and major contributions to society. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation. This proclamation did not free the slaves but it was the first step toward making this a reality (Bowles, 2011, 1. 1). The proclamation would only apply only to states in rebellion. The Emancipation proclamation is one of those stupendous facts in human history with marks not only an era in the progress of the nation, but an approach in history of the world (Journal of Blacks pg. 108-109). The civil war did not bring an end to racial hatred and violence in the south. Neither military leaders nor politicians can change the ingrained cultural beliefs of the people (Bowles, 2011 1. para10). After 1865 slavery could no longer structure relations between the races (1999, Segregation and Desegregation). The Black Codes codified some of these feelings when 1865 southern states government created legislation that restricted and control the lives of the ex-slaves (Bowel 2011 1. 1 para10). The Black Codes restricted African Americans to married other than their own race, they could not carried guns, they could only work on farms, and if they did not follow this rules they could put in jail or put them to enforced work which was the same as slavery (Bowles, 2011 1. para10). The president at the time supported this codes which made more difficult the lives of the ex-slaves. Meanwhile, many blacks who enlisted in the military encountered blatant discrimination while in the service and, them after risking their lives for the preservation of the free world, retuned to a society that continued to deem them second-class citizens (Levy, 1998). The only significant racial reform enacted by the federal government in the decade after the end of World War 11 was the desegregation of the armed forces order by President Truman in 1948. To some blacks, even this represented a pyrrhic victory (Levy, 1948). African Americans also suffer from segregation. â€Å"Segregation; is the practice by law or custom, of separating groups, spatially according to race, class, or ethnicity†(Segregation and Desegregation, 2001). Racial segregation began after the end of slavery, when new laws barred blacks from many occupations, restricted voting rights, and designated separate public facilities for black and white populations (Segregation and Desegregation, 2011). Segregation existed somewhat differently in the North and the South of the country. Different conditions in the North and South led to different kinds of social organization among African communities (Segregation and Desegregation, 2011). â€Å"Segregation in a legal sense began with laws separating blacks and whites in education†(Segregation, 2010). Although blacks paid taxes as whites, they did not receive funding for their schools and they had to rely on church and missionary organizations to create their own schools (segregation, 2010). A law that emerged was separate facilities for blacks in all areas, assigning African Americans a separate and degraded status in transportation, dining, places of entertainment, and even in cemeteries (Segregation, 2010). The customs and laws associated with segregation created a deeply entrenched culture of white supremacy, which radicalized every aspect of life in the South. The laws prevented blacks and whites from joining together in union meetings, political-reform organizations, or on a social level, thus creating a one-party (Democratic) â€Å"solid South†impervious to change. African Americans continually resisted segregation and white supremacy but with few Southern white allies (Segregation, 2010). The Civil Right Movement The biracial system in the South kept many African Americans impoverished and disenfranchised, it also created conditions that facilitated the development of a strong black middle class and cultural institutions. Black schools and especially the black church enabled the development of African American leadership, and became the base of the Civil Rights Movement. In the North, however, were run by white teachers and administrators and did not foster racial pride as many did in the South. For Northern blacks, then, civil rights issues focused on discrimination and unequal access rather than formal desegregation. In the South, the Civil Rights Movement focused primarily on ending segregation (Segregation and Desegregation 2011). The Civil Rights Movement emerged in the 1950s, when the number of middle-class and skilled blacks was almost forty percent of the Southern black population. The earliest victory came in 1954, when the U. S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education, that racially â€Å"separate educational facilities are inherently unequal†(Segregation and Desegregation 2011). The following year the court ordered that African Americans can attend to white school. The school systems did not accepted this and reacted with violence that the federal military often had to go to the schools and protect the black children who attempt to attend school (Segregation and Desegregation 2011). Because of this events the â€Å"Court-ordered desegregation prompted â€Å"white flight†from public schools in many areas, as families with the financial resources to do so enrolled their children in private schools or moved to mostly-white suburban school districts†(Segregation and Desegregation 2011). On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a middle-aged black seamstress boarded a Montgomery, Alabama bus to take her home. Several stops later the bus driver requests her to give up her sit to a white passenger. She refuses, the bus driver called the police and she was arrested. At the Police Station she told the officer â€Å"I didn’t think I should have to stand up, after I had paid my fare and occupied a seat I didn’t think I should have to give it up†(Levy, 1998). The effort to abolish other forms of segregation, initiated in 1955 when seamstress Rosa Parks refused to relinquish her seat in the white section of a Montgomery bus, continued through the 1960s. The movement was led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , who developed a philosophy of nonviolent activism based on principles of Christian belief and the passive resistance teachings of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi and American philosopher Henry David Thoreau†(Segregation and Desegregation 2011). Martin Luther King, Jr. as the most prominent leader of the civil rights movement for equal rights for African Americans that took place during the 1950s and 1960s. Martin Luther King first became aware of racial segregation when, at the age of six, a white friend was not allowed to play with him anymore. Throughout his childhood and young adulthood he experienced segregation and racism: he and his family were required to sit in separate places in stores and on buses. King and other black children could not use the same swimming pools or public parks as white children (Martin Luther King Jr. 009). In 1954, Martin Luther King took a job as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to yield her seat to a white man, the Montgomery civil rights community decided to hold a bus boycott to get rid of the law that black passengers had to sit at the back of the bus and yield seats to white passengers. They also decided to form a new organization and elect a new leader to include all the different people and groups who supported the boycott. King was asked to lead this new organization, the Montgomery Improvement Association, and he agreed (Martin Luther King Jr. 2009). African American had struggled through time fighting for their rights. They had come a long way obtaining the same rights as every other citizen in the United States. African Americans finally can walk freely in the country they had overcome adversity. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks are only few that had help on the civil right movement and these people had been very important in history to abolish Segregation.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
To What Extent Will High Salary Modify Workers
To What Extent Will High Salary Modify Workers Introduction The greatest asset for any organization is its personnel; persons who are involved in the daily running of the organization. It is in this regard therefore that there has been great interest in ways of maintaining a good working force which has led to studies and great inventions in Human Resource Management (Abowd, Kramarz Margolis, 1999).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Will High Salary Modify Workers? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Central to the Human Resource initiatives is the intention to motivate workers since performance is increased with proper motivation of workers. There are many different intentions and things that motivate workers no wonder Human Resource Departments of any organization are usually obsessed with the focus on different theories that help them understand how to motivate their workforce (Abowd, Kramarz Margolis, 1999). One of these areas of motivation for wo rkers’ performance is the monetary reward they receive for their work; salaries. This paper takes a critical look at how far high salaries for workers works towards improving their performance, productivity, motivation and overall job-satisfaction with the view of quantifying the increment of salaries as an element of employee motivation. Research Question There are many authorities that have written a lot about this issue given its centrality in corporate organizational performance and this paper will draw insights from some of these authorities to help in answering the research question which is, ‘to what extent will high salaries improve workers’ productivity?’ Henry Grant (1913) is one such authority that has tackled the issue of employee motivation through salary increment in depth in his book, Work, Wages and Profits. In the book, Grant argues that financial reward is one sure way of ensuring accountability and hard work for employees without using f orceful means, threats and coercion (Gantt, 1913). The basic reason given for this surmise is that increased salaries for workers create a level of appreciation in the workers as they are better placed to cater for their daily needs and are even enabled to afford higher-profile lifestyle. This inclusion of material things in the workers’ lives is the one that motivates them into working harder with the assured hope of financial appreciation for their performance (Gantt, 1913). In further discussing this human resource management issue, theories of employee motivation will be used to help answer the research question. For this, two of the theories of employee motivation that will be used will help to explain the effect of financial motivation on people’s behavior at their workplace. These theories are:Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Theory of Hie rarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow The Theory of Motivation-Hygiene by Fredrick Herzberg These theories seek to explain the effect of improved salary on employees’ behaviour and extrapolate that effect to their performance and overall output at their places of work. According to the Theory of Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow surmises that provision of the needs of employees and guarantee of their (needs’) continued provision is the greatest motivator as to why people work. This means that instances where salaries are increased, workers’ motivation is increased and this in turn increases their productivity (Black, McKinnish Sanders, 2003). In the same breathe, Herzberg argues through the Theory of Motivation-Hygiene that poorly paid workers show little (if any) interest in their work and rarely grow economically and the corollary of this usually is reluctance to perform reducing the general output of their productivity (Black, McKinnish Sanders, 2003). They are dissa tisfied, deprived, lack sense of belonging in their workplaces and can therefore not afford modern and improved life due to their financial status. Black et al (2003) point out in their work that if low skilled workers are awarded high salaries, they are likely to increase output out of the motivation they receive in the remuneration perks they are given. These increased salaries in turn enhance their status which brings them comfort further encouraging them to do even better and this propels them into better performance. This shows that in essence, there is no difference between them and the skilled ones because since out of the motivation they receive, they can just be as perfect at their work as anyone else (Herzberg, 1987). In an expansive country like Saudi Arabia where there is a lot of competition, salary increases is a great factor that maintains workers to a given place for a given time (Herzberg, 1987). In a snapshot, these two theories point to one thing: the central plac e taken by salaries and wages in determining workers’ motivation. What is observed from increment of workers’ salaries can best be described as having some element of domino effect in that the increment triggers something into operation that affects everyone from the workers themselves to the entire corporation and eventually the market and industry they are in. Increased salaries increase workers’ motivation which in turn causes them to work harder increasing their productivity/output and this in turn increases the business’ profitability. When corporations and organizations are making appreciable profits in their respective fields, the general performance of the economy of the industry is improved and this positively contributes towards improving the entire economy (Abowd, Kramarz Margolis, 1999).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Will High Salary Modify Workers? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A social approach to the research question has been well explained by Maslow (1943) when he asserts that the one basic reason that people work is to survive. When they start earning, they seek to create a niche and establish themselves by making new friends with whom they seek to further improve their lives. Everyone who starts working usually has expectations of growing to greater economic and financial freedom through their places of work and therefore well remunerated employees have better job satisfaction thereby becoming better performers which increases their output (Maslow, 1943). The most important objective for any organization is to have its personnel at their optimal performance at all times and this is the reason a lot of money is spent in instituting strategies that implement theories that motivate workers to be at the very best they can ever be in any organization (Abowd, Kramarz Margolis, 1999). This has forced the professional world to have w orkers educated and informed about their rights as workers and this has caused them to demand reasonable salaries that befit the work they do for their employers. This demand is not only restricted to remunerations but also permeates such non-economic areas of workers’ lives as proper working conditions and workers’ rights. Bringing all these things into workers’ expectations makes motivation a complicated phenomenon that is highly dependent on individuals. Each individual having unique things and areas of interest that motivate them, motivation is therefore thought to be worker-specific in many regards and therefore conceptualizing it is not such an easy thing. This notwithstanding, remuneration is one area of need that remains constant for every worker in whatever place of work and therefore whatever model or theory is used to study worker motivation, salary and wage remuneration is always a factor that motivates every worker (Abowd, Kramarz Margolis, 1999). Other things such as praise and recognition, job security, dignified treatment, opportunity for expansion among others can be considered supplemental to monetary need. This is because good salary payment is a factor from which all other factors are likely to emanate from thereby acting as the mother determinant of employee motivation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion In conclusion, as regards the research question which is to what extent salary increment will increase employ performance, it can be strongly concluded that salary increase is among the core aspects of motivation that ensures workers’ increased performance and motivation. All other motivational strategies such as empowerment, opportunity creation, appraisals, and recognition among others stem from the remuneration benefits into such endeavours that give workers voice for recognition. It is therefore incumbent upon any organization to ensure that their salary and wage schemes are most favourable for their workforce to ensure optimal performance that translates into profitability for the organization. In this regard therefore, corroborated with the evidential discussion preceding, it is recommended that every employer accords salary and remuneration increment the attention it is due to ensure that their personnel are always performing at their best optimal level to e nsure maximal productivity and profitability. Reference List Abowd, J., M., Kramarz, F., Margolis, D., 1999. High Wage Workers and High Wage Firms, USA: Dept. of Labor Economics, Cornell University. Black, D., McKinnish, T., Sanders, S., 2003. ‘Does Availability of High-Wage for Low-Skilled Men Affect Welfare Expenditures?’ Harvard Business Review, 87, (9-10), pp. 1921-1942. Gantt, H., 1913. Work, Wages, and Profits: Their Influence on Cost of Living. USA: Dept. of Labor Economics, Cornell University. Herzberg, F., 1987. ‘One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?’ Harvard Business Review, (e-jounal) 1 (5). Web.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Taxation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Taxation - Assignment Example It was the first ever increase as the highest rate of income tax in the history of UK for over three decades. In 2010,the Chancellor Alastair Darling announced the 50% tax rate. With effect from April 2010 onwards, taxable income above  £150,000 in UK will be subject to a new top rate of income tax of 50%.The 50% additional rate of income tax was announced by the erstwhile labour government in 2010 was mainly intended to rescue the UK’s economy after the 2008 financial crisis. As per HMRC data,  £10 bn was raised during the three years when the top 50% rate was in force. The present UK government has reduced the top rate to 45% with the effect from April 2013 onwards. Evidence from UK and around the globe demonstrates that punitive tax levels either 50% or 45% will result in poor revenue collection as compared to modest rates. Young & Saltiel (2013) study found that behavioural reaction to the higher tax rates is more robust, and this is likely to hurt UKs tax receipts. The 50% additional rate of income tax in UK had a bad impact on UKs economy as its architects themselves confessed that the scheme was introduced without economic objectives. Young & Saltiel (2013) found that the policy is heading for failure as it resulted in the flat growth for a decade and ended in  £350bn of lost revenue. This essay will analyse whether the UK government restore the 50% additional rate of income tax?†or not . As per Ed Balls of Labour Party, that his party will reintroduce 50% additional rate of income tax for those whose annual income is above  £150,000 if it is voted to power in the coming election. According to him, as per recent statistics, those who are earning more than  £150,000 paid  £ 10bn more by way of taxes in the last three years starting from April 2010 when the rate was 50% for them. Again, it was reduced to 45% in 2013 by the present Coalition government. As per Ed Balls, when the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Discussion Board 3-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Discussion Board 3-1 - Essay Example This includes cultural issues, past abuses, education background, occupational functioning, religious factor and recent marital stress. Psychological factors form a wider net of client’s mental health; hence, these themes tend to influence the clinicians by their theoretical orientation (Allan Tasman, 2013). These factors include patients; Behaviors pattern is a critical theme that encompasses both positive and negatives changes in behavioral patterns of a client. The clinicians should note the self-destructive behavior like mood lability and anxiety. An interpersonal relationship is another theme, in this grouping the clinicians evaluate the patient’s stableness in maintaining a relationship with peers, workmates and even at the family level. The clinician also explores the sexual relationship and the intimacy of the patient. The relationship with the interviewer is a key theme as the attitude towards the interviewer from the patient is evaluated. This will extrapolates patterns in patient’s life towards other relationships (Allan Tasman, 2013). Biological themes that include the patients both psychological illness and medical illness provide clinicians with an in-depth perspective of the patient. Some of the mental illness may be of genetic in
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