Saturday, February 15, 2020
THE STUDY OF EXPECTATION GAP IN THE ACCOUNTING EDUCATION OF UNITED KINGDOM & EMPLOYERS REQUIREMENT (ANALYSING LEEDS UNIVERSITY) - Assignment Example The review of literature indicates a framework of educating students in the accounting departments. The studies involve study of the expectation gap, the performance and the constraints gap to help students understand the analysis of the accounting platform. The survey questionnaire aims at providing supportive information to students and universities concerning the study of expectation gap in the accounting education of the United Kingdom. The survey seeks to find information concerning student and employee requirements in the University of Leeds. University Name: Please take time to fill the questionnaire. This will take approximately 30- 45 minutes to finish the questionnaire. Correct response to the questions is important, as it will assist the school and the human resources department in securing a better curriculum in the accounting sector. Thank you for taking time to assist the school in becoming a better education provider. Purpose of the Survey The survey gives insight of t he thoughts of students concerning the present accounting curriculum. It enables the management of Leeds University to handle the challenges concerning the current curriculum. The questionnaire is important hence provide valid and correct information. SECTION A (Answer the provided questions by ticking the appropriate answer) 1. What is your gender? Male Female 2. Kindly tick your year of teaching Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 3. How old are you? Kindly check the ONE that best describes Under 14 14 -15 16 -17 18 -19 20+ 4. On average, how can you describe your students accounting grades? Kindly chose ONE response Not very good Fair Average Very good Excellent 5. At what level did you start teaching accounting? High school College University Job/ Working Uncertain 6. What aspects would you like to see change in the education sector? Teaching mode Teaching hours Number of classes available Number of lecturers available 7. For how long have you been in Leeds? Kindly pick the ONE tha t describes you Since birth More than 10 years 5-10 years Less than 5 years Analysis of the health 8. Describe your health by choosing ONE response Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent 9. Do you have any long term disabilities like leukemia Yes No 10. In response to the long-term disability, kindly choose the relevant topic I do not have such a condition Learning disability Physical disability Emotional disability Allergies (food) Allergies (respiratory) Asthma Diabetes Other (please specify ______________________________________ 11. Do we need to reconsider the condition before putting you in long hours? I do not have such a condition Yes No 12. In general how satisfied or dissatisfied do you feel about your job? Very Satisfied Satisfied Not sure Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 13. Express your feelings about the terms and conditions Very Satisfied Satisfied Not sure Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 14. Check the appropriate box that shows the level of satisfaction. Please check appropr iate box. Satisfied Dissatisfied Uncertain Salary Amount of annual leave Security of employment Flexibility of working hours Your input into decision making within the organization Opportunity for professional development 15. Does the organization support your place to work? Yes No Not sure 16. Does the university provide a friendly place to work? Yes No Not sure 17. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the general guidance and managerial direction from the university? Very Satisfied S
Sunday, February 2, 2020
International Finance Course project Research Paper
International Finance Course project - Research Paper Example Since early 2006, The BOT tried several policies to curb the phenomena but to no avail, and in the end, in December 2006, it introduced this policy. Below is a more detailed discussion of this. After 2004, as access to credit became easier in developed countries due to lower interest rates, investors began to look for opportunities to invest in developing countries where the interest rates were high. As a result, nearly all East Asian countries had high inflows of foreign investment, as did Thailand. While this investment can help in the development of countries, they can be equally discouraging and even disastrous if bulk of these investments are short-term and speculative in nature. The reasons for this are explained below: 1) Local currency appreciation: With more inflow of foreign investments, the local currency tends to appreciate making local exporters less competitive. 2) Large inflows: Large injections of investments in a small economy can cause distortions and even havoc if pulled out suddenly 3) â€Å"Hot money†: If the investments are pulled out suddenly, the economy can crash 4) Asset bubbles: Large investments in one sector can cause unsustainable growth on sector assets (example real estate) 5) Household credit: With inflows, households tend to borrow more leading to high household debt than they can possibly service In 2005 and 2006, Thailand saw unprecedented increase in capital inflows. This is illustrated below in table 1. However, as the FDI component (long term investments) was not in line with all the investments, it was clear that most investments are short-term in nature. Also, according to the Bank of Thailand, a large part of this money was going into currency (Thai Baht - THB) speculation which is illustrated by the continuous appreciation of THB against the US Dollar (USD) as shown in Figure 1. Table 1 Annual Flow of Foreign Investment in Thailand 2003 2004 2005 2006 Current Account 4784 2767 -7852 3240 FDI 4608 4952 7297 9563 Debt securities -827 17 487 -267 Equity securities 583 180 2158 4744 Others (Corporate & government loans + trade credit) -9293 -7232 3042 3758 Total -145 684 5132 21039 Source: FPRI Both 2005 and 2006 saw a huge increase in investments in equity securities, which is typically a short-term investment. While the FDI did register and increase, it was relatively only a small proportion of the total flow of capital. Figure 1 Exchange rate of THB against USD from mid 2005 to December 2006 As seen in figure 1, on the left, the THB was continuously appreciating against the USD from around 42 THB/USD to below 36 THB/USD. This appreciation of the THB meant that the local companies were losing competitiveness. The BOT tried several policies to prevent appreciation of THB, was unable to stem it. The key measures tried were (BOT 19-20) â€Å"Permitting a larger amount of residents’ investments abroad, as well as discouraging short-term capital inflows through raising the total permissib le outstanding balance in the foreign currency deposit (FCD) accounts of corporate residents. On 4 December 2006, the Bank of Thailand implemented measures on short-term capital flows which required non-residents to hold securities for longer than 3 months and allowed domestic financial institutions to borrow baht from non-residents without underlying trades or
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