Monday, August 24, 2020
buy custom Effects of Immigration on Jobs essay
purchase custom Effects of Immigration on Jobs article The article Effects of Immigration on Jobs; Wages Is Difficult for Economists to Nail Dow clarifies on the impacts of the individuals who move and choose to remain in America. It demonstrates that the individuals have aided monetary development however there are some symptoms. The individuals who relocated to America have dislodged the laborers from America. Those without secondary school recognition have entered the working in easygoing occupations consequently decreasing the wages. The assembling employments have declined, and this made more residents to stay jobless. Notwithstanding the reactions, workers have helped a great deal in the development of economy, since they offer support with modest work. They cover for government assessments, and this aids development of economy of some state. Numerous workers join social associations, however they return before resigning and they don't guarantee for their duty. The article, Defying Trends, Canada Lures More Migrants clarifies that Canada has profited by workers. Those under Manitoba offer easygoing types of assistance like driving, carpentry, plumbing, and weaving among others. They offer the support at modest cost and this makes Canada safe. Those take care of lease and different tabs and this builds government income due to gigantic assessment. Outsiders likewise decide the political wave in light of the fact that about 20% of Canadian voters are outsiders. Canada needs more outsiders to offer easygoing types of assistance with low compensation. The foreigners have improved Canadian economy. Sentiment The outsiders increase the value of the economy, since they make the nation increasingly blocked. A portion of the outsiders leave their nation because of terrible record, and when acknowledged to remain in remote nation, they may later create criminal conduct and become a danger to security. Nations should asset the residents and train them to offer a wide range of assistance. At the point when a psychological militant enters a specific nation, he can bring more misfortune than 100 foreigners bring. Every nation should deal with outsiders with incredible consideration. Purchase custom Effects of Immigration on Jobs exposition
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Intro to Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Introduction to Business - Assignment Example Actually, since 2008 when there was monetary downturn, the organization has multiplied its income and significantly increased its benefit. All the more in this way, the organization has likewise recorded noteworthy development in the period by opening new stores. The accomplishment of Patagonia for the most part lies on its natural core interest. In reality, the organization has a viable natural cordial way of thinking which for the most part added to its prosperity during the most recent downturn. The company’s ecological strategic found in the company’s statement of purpose which advocates for the creation of top notch items with no superfluous damage to the earth (Martã n 1). Truth be told, the company’s exercises target fathoming natural emergency. The organization empowers the fix, reusing, and resale of pieces of clothing where it makes downy coats from reused bottles (Carus 1). Additionally, it utilizes sun oriented vitality in its central station and different stores. Subject to its long-lasting duty to natural issues, Patagonia’s notoriety pulled in numerous clients during the downturn. As a matter of fact, clients were eager to purchase T-shirts, fleece socks, and light coats from the organization during the downturn since they knew Patagonia determined less mischief on the earth than other attire makers. What's more, the company’s system to take part in the creation of outside products, prompted its prosperity during the last downturn. For sure, during the downturn, numerous Americans decided to partake in open air amusement rather than outside movements. This supported Patagonia which was delivering open air sports attire at that point. Thusly, the organization recorded tremendous incomes from outside games attire (Carus 1). Simultaneously, the company’s thought to present another line of surf-motivated attire and sea shore items additionally prompted its prosperity during the downturn as these items got mainstream at that point. The organization additionally united some worldwide processing plants and underlined on online deals in this manner limiting the creation costs (Martã n 1). Thusly
Thursday, July 23, 2020
The Impossible Design Project
The Impossible Design Project Ok. Well, Ive been kind of busy these days. Taking 5 classes (2 CIs and 2 labs will do that). SoI thought Id take the easy way out, by giving you one of my problems to take a look at. 6.033 is Computer Systems Engineering. It has lots of different components to it so far weve talked about the Therac-25, the X Windows System, multi-threading, and a couple of other things. It moves quickly through different topics, all of which are very interesting. In particular, though, 6.033 has two design projects, where were presented with a fairly real world problem, and we have to try to solve it. This year, we have to create a controller for a NAND flash device. The controller sits between the filesystem and the physical device itself, and has to make the flash look like a traditional magnetic disk, in spite of the fact that flash memory is distinctly unlike a magnetic disk. Heres the description of the problem: Feel free to submit solutions in the comments. My one recommendation is that you should make sure that you actually have enough RAM to store what you want. My friends and I spent multiple days coming up with and throwing out lots of different options, and none of us have a solution that were truly satisfied with, so dont feel bad if you have a hard time coming up with something that works. You can not solve this problem without making significant sacrifices in either the available storage space, the read and write performance, or the ability of the controller to balance wear over time. Ill post my solution after I give you guys time to play with it. Also feel free to let me know if you have any questions I know its kind of hard to follow at first. (And as usual, questions about other MIT-related things are also OK)
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Emergence of Feminism in Indian Literature An...
Emergence of Feminism In Indian Literature: An Overview Introduction Feminism basically means guarding equal rights for women as enjoyed by men. Feminism does not talk only about the social rights but also about the political as well as economic rights of a woman. Feminism is a search for the identity of the most marginalized creature on earth, that is, woman. In India, women have always been considered weak or inferior by the dominating patriarchal society from ages. They are considered merely a subject of oppression and dominance. Women have not been marginalized now but it is continuing from ages, however, even the idea of feminism had been established since the inception of the universe. There is a myth that Lord Brahma first created†¦show more content†¦This paper also discusses the double standards practiced by the patriarchal society for men and women, due to which various emerging women writers faced many problems in publishing their works. Firstly, let us discuss about the state of women 150-200 years earlier. Status of Women in the Indian Society from the Vedic Age till Today Status of women has always been marginalized even from the inception of the universe. As stated above, Lord Brahma, the Supreme Lord, also portrayed women as subservient and weak by introducing them to men as â€Å"She will serve you lifelong and if you cannot live with her, neither can you live without her†. Its worth noting that women enjoyed equal rights with men in the Ancient period. For example, Muddupalani’s work â€Å"Radhika Santwanam†was a much accepted writing in the Thanjavur kingdom of the ancient times, in spite of women’s sensuality being the central theme. However, under the British rule, when Nagaratnamma decided to republish the work, she had to face many problems as it the work was considered vulgar by the British government. Even the book was banned by the British government for some time. However, the status of women deteriorated in the Medieval period after the Muslim conquest in India which brought with it the social evil of child marriage and the muslim rulers also banned widow remarriages in some parts of the country. Women were regarded as subservient and alwaysShow MoreRelatedIndian Writing in English1144 Words  | 5 Pages Introduction Indian writing in English has a comparatively short but highly stimulating history. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote conceivably the first book by an Indian in English, called The ‘Travels of Dean Mahomed’. However, most early Indian writing in English was non-fictional work, such as biographies and political essays. This began to change in the late 1800s, when famous Indian authors who wrote mostly in their mother tongue, began to tryRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagesstruggles have enabled us to survive and thrive This page intentionally left blank Foreword One of the most useful things about Ennis Edmondss Rastafari: From Outcasts to Culture Bearers is that it correctly traces the connection between the emergence of Rastafarianism and the history of resistance and black consciousness that has been part of the Jamaican experience for years. The truth is that there has always been a committed Jamaican counter- culture that celebrates and sees redemption inRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesstandard but arbitrary chronological break points. 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Ted Husing provided summaries on WABC in New York. 6. August, 1921 over KDKA. 7. November 5, 1921, with Harold Arlin of KDKA covering Pittsburgh
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Organizational Culture Within A Hospital Setting - 1693 Words
There is a tremendous amount of literature regarding Organizational Culture as it relates to corporate business. Peters and Waterman (1982) book, In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies, became the blueprint for organizational success. With the paradigm shift of hospitals becoming more â€Å"business- like†through mergers, acquisition, and pay for performance, organizational culture in a hospital setting will need to be furthered analyzed and defined as a predicator of success. Purpose of the Concept Analysis Concept analysis helps to clarify vague or ambiguous concepts. It is a process to examine the structure and function of a concept (Walker Avant, 2011). There are numerous definitions and meanings of organizational culture in the literature. The purpose of this concept analysis paper is to develop a conceptual definition of Organizational Culture within a hospital setting. Historical Perspective of the Concept and Current Uses A thorough integrated literature review was conducted utilizing the method and recommendations outlined by Broom (2000). Organizational culture has roots in anthropology, sociology, psychology, as well as, organizational behavior and system theory. In 1879, Sir Edward Tylor, defined culture as a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs, and any capabilities and habits acquired by a human as a member of society( Salehi, 2012). The word culture is often used to describe nationalShow MoreRelatedNursing and The Organizational Culture of Human Resource Management1495 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizational culture can play a very important role in any corporation’s success. As we learn more about how to make a company more successful through effective management of Human Resource, we are learning of the value of people, as a whole, and how they contribute to the success or failure of an organization. That’s even more so true with in h ealthcare organizations. Nurses play a pivotal role in the health care profession and make up the majority of healthcare workers in a hospital settingRead MoreOrganizational Structure And Culture At Lone Tree Convalescent Hospital1054 Words  | 5 PagesOrganizational Structure and Culture Organizational structure is the hierarchy of authority and description of the arrangement of employees within an organization (Sullivan Decker, 2009). Organizational culture is the pattern of learned values, attitudes, and behaviors in the organization’s members (Schein, 1990). Organizational environment describes the conditions of the work setting. Characteristics of a positive organizational environment include communication, collaboration, effective decision-makingRead MoreOrganizational Culture And The Social Environment Of The Workplace1590 Words  | 7 PagesFoundation Organizational culture was discovered to be an important factor in the social environment of the workplace. The attitudes and beliefs of employees and management are what have shaped the culture of an organization. The culture of an organization has been particularly important in the healthcare setting because it has shaped the type of healthcare that the patients receive within the healthcare organization (Sovie, 1993). The construct organizational culture was developed after theRead MoreOrganizational Structure, Culture, And Theory Of A Corporation Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pagesorganizations. I will compare organizational structures, cultures, and theories between the specified healthcare organizations. I will then discuss challenges and opportunities for improvement. I will use these concepts to exemplify my learning process through prospective leadership plans, which could improve my healthcare organization. The organizational structure, culture, and theory of a corporation can directly influence a healthy work environment. The organizational structure defines the arrangementRead MoreIn This Paper, The Importance Of Creating A Main Goal Of1715 Words  | 7 PagesIn this paper, the importance of creating a main goal of Organizational Behavior in an organization, will help them succeed and improve in a healthy hospital environment. Especially, as the organization is still growing and addressing how effective patient safety needs to be. A healthy hospital environment would not only improve the companies, organizations partnerships close to work and collaborate more effectively, but also to offer high quality of care for their customers. 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The work entitled Todays Concept of Organizational Management states that since work is performed within specificRead MoreAssessing Organizational Culture - Essay1216 Words  | 5 PagesAssessing Organizational Culture 1 Running head: ASSESSING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Assessing Organizational Culture BADM 6123, Master in Business Administration – Health Care Southern Nazarene University Dr. Liesa Persaud Rick Lawrence March 31, 2012 Assessing Organizational Culture 2 Read MoreProposal Plan Part 11149 Words  | 5 PagesProposal Plan, Part I Vanessa Lecoin University of Phoenix HRM 595 Human resources capstone As vice president of Human Resources for VS Lecoin s Family Hospital I am responsible for 500 employees. I have a proposal that will address what type of staff VS Lecoin s Family Hospital requires, what type of organizational behaviors we should include in the facility toward our staff, workforce diversity, implementing diversity, employee relations, and employee retention plans. I also want to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Clash of Titans, Gladiator, and Apocalypto Essay Free Essays
Film 1: Clash of Titans The director of Clash of the Titans 2010 was Louis Leterrier. The starring actors were Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, and Gemma Arterton. The movie takes place between 8000 – 600 BCE in Argos. We will write a custom essay sample on Clash of Titans, Gladiator, and Apocalypto Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The movie is about Perseus and his journey in stopping the Kraken. Perseus was found in the water in a coffin and taken care of by Spyros, a fisherman, and his wife. The humans soon declared war against the gods after being mad at them because of their mistreatment. Perseus family was killed after their boat was drowned by Hades. Zeus wanted to punish the mortals for their rebellion against the gods. So Hades gave the people of Argos one week to sacrifice the princess to save everyone of Argo or else he will release the Kraken. Perseus also discovers that he is the son of Zeus. Perseus decides to go on a quest along the army to find a way to kill the Kraken and get his revenge on Hades. Hades also sends King Acrisius to kill Perseus and he is planning on killing Zeus. Perseus and the soldiers get attack by Acrisius on there way to the Stygian Witches. The Dihing, non-human desert sorceress, helped Perseus and the soldiers kill the monsters and help heal Perseus because he is the only one that can help them get freed from the gods. When they get to the Witches they find out the only way to kill the Kraken is by using Medusa. The witches also tell Perseus that he will die. As they are leaving Perseus comes across Zeus. He gets offered to live as a god but Perseus turns him down. They then go to the underworld to Medusa’s lair. The remaining soldiers are killed by Medusa. Perseus uses his shield as a mirror and is able to cut Medusa’s head off. As he is leaving the lair Lo is killed by Acrisius but Percy kills him using the sword Zeus gave him. Meanwhile, Zeus awakes the Kraken and discoveries that Hades tricked him into making Hades more powerful. Perseus is able to return to Argo in time to stop the Kraken with the help of the Pegasus. He successfully defeated the Kraken by showing him the head of Medusa and sends Hades back to the underworld. In the end Zeus offers godhood to him but once again he turns him down. Zeus brings Lo back to live instead. This film is historically significant because it teaches us about the Greek. We can see how they lived during 8000 – 600 BCE. The way they dress, their beliefs, and government. During that time the Gods were really important. They were the ones that created mortals and they need the mortal’s prayers to live. Film 2: Gladiator Gladiator (2000) was directed by Ridley Scott. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, and Connie Nielsen were the starring actors. The film takes places in 180 AD. It’s about Maximus the commander becoming a gladiator and all the hardships he went through. After Maximus helps wins the war he just wants to go back home. Emperor Marcus Aurelius wanted Maximus to become the emperor after he dies to stop the corruption in Rome. Commodus, the emperors’ son, is mad that he won’t be the next emperor, so he kills his father in order to become the new emperor. After the king dies Commodus orders for Maximus and his family to be executed but Maximus was able to escape. Maximum wasn’t able to save his family from getting executed. Maximus was found by slavers and taken to Zucchabar. There he was sold as a slave and forced to become a gladiator. He had to kill others in order to not get killed. He was taken back to Rome to fight at the Coliseum for the 105-day games. He was told if he won the crowded he would get his freedom. He was able to win the battles by using his commander skills to lead his team. He is now known as Spaniard the gladiator. When Commodus found out that he was Maximus the army tried to kill Maximus and the other gladiators, but they were saved by the crowd. Commodus tried killing him again by putting him to fight with the only undefeated fighter and tigers but failed. Maximus came up with a plan to get him and his men freedom and then he will kill Commodus. He wants to make Emperor Marcus wish come true and make Rome into a Senate power again. His plan failed once Commodus finds out the true by threatening his sister to make her tell him he truth. Then Commodus and Maximus fight a one on one battle in the Colosseum. Maximums was able to defeat Commodus, but in the end, he also ends up dying. Before he dies he says he wants his men freed and for Senator Gracchus to be in power again. Maximum was finally able to be reunited with his family. The movie shows a historical context by showing the lives of gladiators and what they went through. It shows that gladiators were forced to fight and the condition of life they had. It also shows how the Romans were entertained by violence in the past. We also see the way the Romans dressed, there armor, and weapons is different to today. Another historical thing shown is that during that time they also had slaves. Film 3: Apocalypto Apocalypto was a movie made in 2006. The director of the film was Mel Gibson. The starting actors were Gerardo Taracena, Raoul Max Trujillo, and Dalia Hernà ¡ndez. The movie takes place in 1511 in Veracruz. It’s about the downfall of the Mayan civilization. Jaguar Paw, a hunter, and his tribe get attack by the Mayan people. Their huts get set on fire and they fight to not get captured. Jaguar Paw was able to save his pregnant wife and son, but he was captured and his father was killed. The Mayan captured the people from the tribe but left the kids behind. When they got to the Mayan city the women were sold as slaves, while the men were to be used as a sacrifice. The Mayan wanted to sacrifice people to the gods so that they could become strong again. A solar eclipse happened which saved Jaguar Paw from being killed. The rest of the men that didn’t get sacrificed were told they could be free if they were able to run to the corn stock. They were getting shot with arrows to prevent them from succeeding. Only Jaguar paw was able to get out alive but got injured. While trying to escape he killed Zero Wolf’s son so the Mayan soldiers went after him. Using the hunting skills and the forest knowledge he learned he was able to kill all the Mayans who were after him. Jaguar Paw was able to rescue his wife, son, and newborn son before they drowned in the cave. They see ships on the shore but instead of going and investigating they decided to start a new life together in the forest. This shows history relevance because it shows how the Mayan civilization was about to fall. We also see that the people of the tribe and the Mayan dressed different. They also had different tattos and percings. It also shows the Mayan architecture like the pyramids. It also shows the language of the mayan which is Yucatec Maya. Another history relevance is the way of live of the tribe in the jungle. How to cite Clash of Titans, Gladiator, and Apocalypto Essay, Essays
Monday, April 27, 2020
Sports vs Videogames free essay sample
Sports Vs Video games We no longer live in a society where kids run around actively throughout the neighborhood. Late night soccer games, pick up games in the park, and innocence children are gone in sports. Today children are more interested in video game, computers and television, and parents are afraid of letting their children run around the streets because of kidnapping. The majority of kids are no longer interested in physical activity. Why do most kids enjoy video games rather than sports? Video games were first introduced in the 70’s and have been gaining popularity ever since.By the end of the decade video games had already become a preferred activity for kids. According to a recent study by Harris Interactive 1,178 children in the U. S, almost 9 percent of children gamers are pathologically or clinically â€Å"addicted to video games. However, 23 percent of youth say that they have felt addicted to video games, with about one-third of males and a little more than one in 10 females reporting the sensation. We will write a custom essay sample on Sports vs Videogames or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is wrong, kids should not be addicted to anything at their age. Kids need to stop playing so many video games and start to playing more sports. Video games in today’s society have a negative influence on kids because it separates them from reality. This can be drastic on kids because they are constantly cutting off physical activity time and social interactions. Kids in this generation are constantly around technology whether at school, in their cars or at home. They are immersed in technology that promotes instant gratification, whether it is by Video games, computers or Mp3 players they are always around it.Technology not only has influenced kids for the worst but has also made them redundant against sports. Playing video games has adverse effects on youth by lowering their social skills, decrease sleep patterns and an increase of weight. If kids chose to play sports not only would they increase their social skills by meeting new teammates, but they would also get a great workout and increase their sleep. What makes video games better to play for kids rather than sports? I think it is because the world you get to enter it is like no other.You are free to do whatever you chose to. There are no rules no regulations, kids choose how and when to play, so I think that this is their way of feeling sort of like adults. They do not have to listen to anyone when playing video games, so I think this is sort of an escape from reality for sometime. According to the parent report. com it would appear that the excitement of video games causes the brain to release a chemical that is, in essence, addictive. This makes sense because kids are receiving constant gratification and happiness from playing video games.If kids were to play more sports rather than video games they would see that playing sports are way more compelling, fun and exciting. It is real live action, not make believe. Kids get to learn a new skill and exercise while doing it. Sports are an essential part of a kids life if they start to lack on physical activity not only will they be lazier when doing anything that requires physical activity, but will also lack the motivational to better yourself. We need to encourage kids to play more sports, and put down the controller. Kids have lost what it means to be a kid. I remember when I was a kid I would wake up at seven watch cartoons, then go out and play till it was dark. I did have a Sega, and Nintendo 64, but I found more pleasure with meeting new people and actually playing sports. I fear that if this process continues we will become sloth’s, and lose or education to video games. I used to work at Gamestop and people of all ages would come in. The ones who bought most video were kids and teenagers. Kids would wait in lines for hours when we had a pre- release and, would waste all of their birthday money or gift cards on various video games.When I was a kid my money would have gone to a new soccer ball or cleats, this just goes to show how much times have changed. There is nothing better for a kid or teenager to go outside and run around. What better way then enrolling them in karate or any other sport. According to Jennifer Dowd, Research has found that participating in sports can have a healthy developmental impact on young children. These activities can promote cooperative play, teamwork, and good sportsmanship while helping to refine gross motor skills.Sports can also help children get along with and become accepted by others, including peers, family members, teachers, and coaches. Plus, through positive feedback, group play builds self-esteem, helping your child realize that shes a capable personal who is able to accomplish significant achievements. I agree with her, being involved in a sport keeps you out of the house and builds essential tools for the future. Playing Video games is fun but as I have shown, it can really have negative side effects.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
London, United Kingdom essays
London, United Kingdom essays LIVING IN MORDERN URBAN ENVIROMENTS IN 2004: I choose to do my report on London as it has two different coultures that are the rich and the poor. It is a mix of both Third and First Worlds, as it has rich people and then many beggars. The city gets a lot of tourist as they have many historic land sites. London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is the largest cities in the United Kingdom and one of the largest cities in the world. The city has an excellent water source, which is the river Thames that meanders through the centre of London. The river divides London into a north and south halves. Thames River joins to the Strait of Dover. London is close to the mainland of Europe. The coordinate points are 15.30N 0.10W. It is the area of 1,572 sq km. London main functions are the nations government, culture, finance, tourism, trade and history. Londons financial areas are the bank of England, Lyoyds, the stock exchange and numerous other banks and investments companies have their headquarters there, mostly in the city. The financial services sector provides employment. London has a population of 7.2 million. London tends to have an annual net inflow of people from outside of the UK, with almost 30% of Londons population from a minority ethnic group Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Av/Tt Max(C) 6 7 10 13 17 20 22 21 19 14 10 7 13.8 (F) 43 45 50 55 63 68 72 70 66 57 50 45 57 Min(C) 2 2 3 6 8 12 14 13 11 8 5 4 7.3 (F) 36 36 37 43 46 54 57 55 52 46 41 39 45 Mean(C) 4 4.5 6.5 9.5 12.5 16 18 17 15 11 7.5 5.5 10.6 (F) 39 40 44 49 54 61 64 63 59 52 45 42 51 Rain(mm) 77 72 64 56 57 58 59 62 65 70 78 81 799 (in) 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.2 32 London is very unstable and unreliable for weather. The weather forecast is usually incorrect. In winter it reaches temperatures below free...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
The Commonly Confused Words Prescribe and Proscribe
The Commonly Confused Words Prescribe and Proscribe The words prescribe and proscribe are similar in pronunciation and can be easily confused, but are almost opposite in meaning. Definitions The verb prescribe means to recommend, establish, or lay down as a rule. Similarly, prescribe means to authorize a medical prescription. The verb proscribe means to ban, forbid, or condemn. Examples When doctors prescribe medicine for a child, they take the childs size and weight into account and adjust the dose accordingly.He read her temperature as 98.8. Very, very slight, he told her. I prescribe sleep.(John Updike, Married Life)Each year as many as two million Americans suffer from antibiotic-resistant illnesses, and 23,000 die as a result. Clearly, we need to get doctors to prescribe antibiotics more selectively. But how can this be done?(Craig R. Fox et al., How to Stop Overprescribing Antibiotics. The New York Times, March 25, 2016)Many localities have passed ordinances that proscribe the use of leaf blowers.The First Amendment generally prevents government from proscribing speech, or even expressive conduct, because of disapproval of the ideas expressed.(Earl E. Pollock, The Supreme Court and American Democracy, 2009) Usage Notes Prescribe is a much commoner word and means either issue a medical prescription or recommend with authority, as in the doctor prescribed antibiotics. Proscribe, on the other hand, is a formal word meaning condemn or forbid, as in gambling was strictly proscribed by the authorities.(Maurice Waite, ed., Oxford Thesaurus of English, 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2009)These are almost direct opposites, and ought not to be confused. To prescribe is to define a remedy, to ordain, to decree. To proscribe is to prohibit, to forbid, to ban. When the Food and Drug Administration proscribed Laetrile, it meant that no doctor could lawfully prescribe it.(James J. Kilpatrick, The Writers Art. Andrews McMeel, 1984) Practice (a) It is illegal to pay doctors to _____ certain medicines to their patients.(b) Chinas laws severely _____ public demonstrations. Answers to Practice Exercises: Prescribe and Proscribe (a) It is illegal to pay doctors to prescribe certain medicines to their patients.(b) Chinas laws severely proscribe public demonstrations. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words
Saturday, February 15, 2020
THE STUDY OF EXPECTATION GAP IN THE ACCOUNTING EDUCATION OF UNITED KINGDOM & EMPLOYERS REQUIREMENT (ANALYSING LEEDS UNIVERSITY) - Assignment Example The review of literature indicates a framework of educating students in the accounting departments. The studies involve study of the expectation gap, the performance and the constraints gap to help students understand the analysis of the accounting platform. The survey questionnaire aims at providing supportive information to students and universities concerning the study of expectation gap in the accounting education of the United Kingdom. The survey seeks to find information concerning student and employee requirements in the University of Leeds. University Name: Please take time to fill the questionnaire. This will take approximately 30- 45 minutes to finish the questionnaire. Correct response to the questions is important, as it will assist the school and the human resources department in securing a better curriculum in the accounting sector. Thank you for taking time to assist the school in becoming a better education provider. Purpose of the Survey The survey gives insight of t he thoughts of students concerning the present accounting curriculum. It enables the management of Leeds University to handle the challenges concerning the current curriculum. The questionnaire is important hence provide valid and correct information. SECTION A (Answer the provided questions by ticking the appropriate answer) 1. What is your gender? Male Female 2. Kindly tick your year of teaching Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 3. How old are you? Kindly check the ONE that best describes Under 14 14 -15 16 -17 18 -19 20+ 4. On average, how can you describe your students accounting grades? Kindly chose ONE response Not very good Fair Average Very good Excellent 5. At what level did you start teaching accounting? High school College University Job/ Working Uncertain 6. What aspects would you like to see change in the education sector? Teaching mode Teaching hours Number of classes available Number of lecturers available 7. For how long have you been in Leeds? Kindly pick the ONE tha t describes you Since birth More than 10 years 5-10 years Less than 5 years Analysis of the health 8. Describe your health by choosing ONE response Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent 9. Do you have any long term disabilities like leukemia Yes No 10. In response to the long-term disability, kindly choose the relevant topic I do not have such a condition Learning disability Physical disability Emotional disability Allergies (food) Allergies (respiratory) Asthma Diabetes Other (please specify ______________________________________ 11. Do we need to reconsider the condition before putting you in long hours? I do not have such a condition Yes No 12. In general how satisfied or dissatisfied do you feel about your job? Very Satisfied Satisfied Not sure Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 13. Express your feelings about the terms and conditions Very Satisfied Satisfied Not sure Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 14. Check the appropriate box that shows the level of satisfaction. Please check appropr iate box. Satisfied Dissatisfied Uncertain Salary Amount of annual leave Security of employment Flexibility of working hours Your input into decision making within the organization Opportunity for professional development 15. Does the organization support your place to work? Yes No Not sure 16. Does the university provide a friendly place to work? Yes No Not sure 17. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the general guidance and managerial direction from the university? Very Satisfied S
Sunday, February 2, 2020
International Finance Course project Research Paper
International Finance Course project - Research Paper Example Since early 2006, The BOT tried several policies to curb the phenomena but to no avail, and in the end, in December 2006, it introduced this policy. Below is a more detailed discussion of this. After 2004, as access to credit became easier in developed countries due to lower interest rates, investors began to look for opportunities to invest in developing countries where the interest rates were high. As a result, nearly all East Asian countries had high inflows of foreign investment, as did Thailand. While this investment can help in the development of countries, they can be equally discouraging and even disastrous if bulk of these investments are short-term and speculative in nature. The reasons for this are explained below: 1) Local currency appreciation: With more inflow of foreign investments, the local currency tends to appreciate making local exporters less competitive. 2) Large inflows: Large injections of investments in a small economy can cause distortions and even havoc if pulled out suddenly 3) â€Å"Hot money†: If the investments are pulled out suddenly, the economy can crash 4) Asset bubbles: Large investments in one sector can cause unsustainable growth on sector assets (example real estate) 5) Household credit: With inflows, households tend to borrow more leading to high household debt than they can possibly service In 2005 and 2006, Thailand saw unprecedented increase in capital inflows. This is illustrated below in table 1. However, as the FDI component (long term investments) was not in line with all the investments, it was clear that most investments are short-term in nature. Also, according to the Bank of Thailand, a large part of this money was going into currency (Thai Baht - THB) speculation which is illustrated by the continuous appreciation of THB against the US Dollar (USD) as shown in Figure 1. Table 1 Annual Flow of Foreign Investment in Thailand 2003 2004 2005 2006 Current Account 4784 2767 -7852 3240 FDI 4608 4952 7297 9563 Debt securities -827 17 487 -267 Equity securities 583 180 2158 4744 Others (Corporate & government loans + trade credit) -9293 -7232 3042 3758 Total -145 684 5132 21039 Source: FPRI Both 2005 and 2006 saw a huge increase in investments in equity securities, which is typically a short-term investment. While the FDI did register and increase, it was relatively only a small proportion of the total flow of capital. Figure 1 Exchange rate of THB against USD from mid 2005 to December 2006 As seen in figure 1, on the left, the THB was continuously appreciating against the USD from around 42 THB/USD to below 36 THB/USD. This appreciation of the THB meant that the local companies were losing competitiveness. The BOT tried several policies to prevent appreciation of THB, was unable to stem it. The key measures tried were (BOT 19-20) â€Å"Permitting a larger amount of residents’ investments abroad, as well as discouraging short-term capital inflows through raising the total permissib le outstanding balance in the foreign currency deposit (FCD) accounts of corporate residents. On 4 December 2006, the Bank of Thailand implemented measures on short-term capital flows which required non-residents to hold securities for longer than 3 months and allowed domestic financial institutions to borrow baht from non-residents without underlying trades or
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Managed Care :: Caregiver Medical Health Care
The advantages of managed care to the consumer are medical expenses completely covered, no deductible, and lower monthly premium payment. The consumer under managed care coverage would only need to make his monthly premium payment and co- payments. Managed care makes health care more affordable to the consumers. The disadvantages of managed care would be the consumer would only be able to see caregivers affiliated with the managed care organization, having to pay co-pay every visit, rising premiums, under treatment, and too much reed tape to get necessary treatments. A caregiver’s perspective about managed care is it offers some stability in patient load and income. Managed care would help cut some of the caregiver’s expenses of maintaining facilities and staff, by uniting caregivers and sharing resources. Managed care may also help health care organizations run more efficiently and effectively. The disadvantage is a loss of professional independence and, an increase financial risk. According to the text â€Å"Capitation is especially risky because providers receive a set fee no matter how much care is needed.†A great deal of vigor in managed care is focused on paperwork, authorizations, and procedures, and caregivers say it is nearly unattainable to do their jobs efficiently and meet the increased demand for paperwork. Which would I prefer traditional insurance or manage care? Well this is a very tough question for me. I have had both, when traditional insurance was on the rise during the late 90’s, my ex-husband and I had very affordable insurance for a very reasonable price. We had no deductable, we could see who we wanted for caregivers, a ten dollar co-pay, and reduced prescriptions. Today I am on Medicaid (not for elderly but for poor), but I don’t think I could afford today’s insurance prices. I like Medicaid because I don’t have to worry about money for doctor’s bills, co-pays, or prescriptions. On the other hand I have a tough time finding caregivers accepting new Medicaid patients, some doctors treat Medicaid patients differently, many treatments and prescriptions ordered are not covered by Medicaid, so I had to go with out.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The Best Pieces of Legeslation,The Servicemen’s Act of 1944
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 is considered one of the best pieces of legislation to emerge from the Second World War (White). This Act, known as the GI Bill, was signed into law on June 22, 1944, and has through the decades had a profound effect on American society (White). For example, more than 21 million veterans have received educational benefits and some 14 million have been able to purchase homes through the home-loan program (White). Sixty years later, the GI Bill is still a major source of veteran benefits and an attractive inducement for enlistments (White). The World War II veterans were a generation that had grown up during the Depression Era, many living in tenement apartments and cold-water flats, or on rural farming communities and small towns (Mettler). Most of this generation expected to enter the same type of work as their fathers, however the GI Bill allowed them a remarkable opportunity to gain an education and the means to own their own home (Mettler). Some became teachers, electricians, engineers, college professors, physicians, scientists, and dentists (Mettler). This Bill literally changed the future of an entire generation (Mettler). Moreover, the GI Bill fueled the development of the middle class and revitalized American democracy, as many veterans joined fraternal groups and community organizations and became involved in postwar era politics (Mettler). The GI Bill was the most far-reaching item of veterans' legislation that has been passed in the history of the United States, allowing low interest rates, and low or no down payment for homes and farms, in addition to low-interest loads for high education (Baby). The United States had endured the era of the Great Depression and the Dust Bow, thus the World War II veterans were a generation that had been hardened by poverty, and many deprived of home and job security (Baby). The GI Bill allowed them to achieve the American Dream (Baby). Many of these veterans returned home from the Warm married and started families, began and finished their education, bought their first homes and secured employment (Baby). The GI Bill created a mass move to the suburbs, where veterans found suitable housing in the new tracts that sprawled on the outskirts of major cities (Baby). This postwar suburban housing boom began in a â€Å"planned community†called Levittown (Baby). â€Å"Levittowns are located in rural New York and Pennsylvania,†and are named after developer William J. Levitt, who constructed the communities with â€Å"prefabricated units and mass production techniques, beginning in 1947†(Baby). Soon large-scale, planned communities and housing tracts were being built throughout the United States, filled with young couples giving birth to a new generation, the Baby Boomers (Baby). Eventually, these suburban tracts were surrounded by new schools, strip malls and businesses, and became new communities and new townships (Baby). Farm and ranch land became seas of similar-looking homes, a trend that continues today (Baby).
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The American Revolution Was Politically, But Not Socially...
For the elite class, the American Revolution was politically, but not socially radical. Radical is advocating extreme measures to keep a particular status. In a revolution, something that starts on top should end on top. England turned attention to the colonials, imposing new regulations and taxes, jeopardizing the elites’ way of life. The American Revolution was politically radical for the elites because they successfully navigated the steps from English tyranny to a ratified constitution, which created a strong central American government. One hundred and fifty years of benign neglect allowed the colonials to adjust to a certain way of life. In 1710, William Byrd noted in his diary that he beat his wife for burning one of his slaves. The slave owners merely needed to justify their actions. The elites had risen to gentry status and this gave them a relatively high social, political and economic status, defined by their property. They needed to maintain and protect their property. In Virginia, they developed an individual rights consciousness, which helped them defend their position as patriarchs, while in New England, a more secular rights consciousness on material possessions developed.2 The elites needed to find enough common interest to push their effort forward. The number of wealthy landowners was decreasing while the number of slaves was increasing. This increase in the slave population created a growing fear of slave rebellion, exposing the need forShow MoreRelatedAmerican Revolution Accelerated evoluti on vs Cataclysmic revolution1624 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿The American Revolution was an accelerated evolution rather than a cataclysmic revolution to a certain point. An accelerated evolution is a rapid process of growth and change, while a cataclysmic revolution is a sudden and violent event that brings great changes. The extent to which the American Revolution was an accelerated evolution was during events that completely disregarded the government. 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