Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Emergence of Feminism in Indian Literature An...
Emergence of Feminism In Indian Literature: An Overview Introduction Feminism basically means guarding equal rights for women as enjoyed by men. Feminism does not talk only about the social rights but also about the political as well as economic rights of a woman. Feminism is a search for the identity of the most marginalized creature on earth, that is, woman. In India, women have always been considered weak or inferior by the dominating patriarchal society from ages. They are considered merely a subject of oppression and dominance. Women have not been marginalized now but it is continuing from ages, however, even the idea of feminism had been established since the inception of the universe. There is a myth that Lord Brahma first created†¦show more content†¦This paper also discusses the double standards practiced by the patriarchal society for men and women, due to which various emerging women writers faced many problems in publishing their works. Firstly, let us discuss about the state of women 150-200 years earlier. Status of Women in the Indian Society from the Vedic Age till Today Status of women has always been marginalized even from the inception of the universe. As stated above, Lord Brahma, the Supreme Lord, also portrayed women as subservient and weak by introducing them to men as â€Å"She will serve you lifelong and if you cannot live with her, neither can you live without her†. Its worth noting that women enjoyed equal rights with men in the Ancient period. For example, Muddupalani’s work â€Å"Radhika Santwanam†was a much accepted writing in the Thanjavur kingdom of the ancient times, in spite of women’s sensuality being the central theme. However, under the British rule, when Nagaratnamma decided to republish the work, she had to face many problems as it the work was considered vulgar by the British government. Even the book was banned by the British government for some time. However, the status of women deteriorated in the Medieval period after the Muslim conquest in India which brought with it the social evil of child marriage and the muslim rulers also banned widow remarriages in some parts of the country. Women were regarded as subservient and alwaysShow MoreRelatedIndian Writing in English1144 Words  | 5 Pages Introduction Indian writing in English has a comparatively short but highly stimulating history. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote conceivably the first book by an Indian in English, called The ‘Travels of Dean Mahomed’. However, most early Indian writing in English was non-fictional work, such as biographies and political essays. 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