Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Emergence of Feminism in Indian Literature An...
Emergence of Feminism In Indian Literature: An Overview Introduction Feminism basically means guarding equal rights for women as enjoyed by men. Feminism does not talk only about the social rights but also about the political as well as economic rights of a woman. Feminism is a search for the identity of the most marginalized creature on earth, that is, woman. In India, women have always been considered weak or inferior by the dominating patriarchal society from ages. They are considered merely a subject of oppression and dominance. Women have not been marginalized now but it is continuing from ages, however, even the idea of feminism had been established since the inception of the universe. There is a myth that Lord Brahma first created†¦show more content†¦This paper also discusses the double standards practiced by the patriarchal society for men and women, due to which various emerging women writers faced many problems in publishing their works. Firstly, let us discuss about the state of women 150-200 years earlier. Status of Women in the Indian Society from the Vedic Age till Today Status of women has always been marginalized even from the inception of the universe. As stated above, Lord Brahma, the Supreme Lord, also portrayed women as subservient and weak by introducing them to men as â€Å"She will serve you lifelong and if you cannot live with her, neither can you live without her†. Its worth noting that women enjoyed equal rights with men in the Ancient period. For example, Muddupalani’s work â€Å"Radhika Santwanam†was a much accepted writing in the Thanjavur kingdom of the ancient times, in spite of women’s sensuality being the central theme. However, under the British rule, when Nagaratnamma decided to republish the work, she had to face many problems as it the work was considered vulgar by the British government. Even the book was banned by the British government for some time. However, the status of women deteriorated in the Medieval period after the Muslim conquest in India which brought with it the social evil of child marriage and the muslim rulers also banned widow remarriages in some parts of the country. Women were regarded as subservient and alwaysShow MoreRelatedIndian Writing in English1144 Words  | 5 Pages Introduction Indian writing in English has a comparatively short but highly stimulating history. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote conceivably the first book by an Indian in English, called The ‘Travels of Dean Mahomed’. However, most early Indian writing in English was non-fictional work, such as biographies and political essays. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Organizational Culture Within A Hospital Setting - 1693 Words
There is a tremendous amount of literature regarding Organizational Culture as it relates to corporate business. Peters and Waterman (1982) book, In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies, became the blueprint for organizational success. With the paradigm shift of hospitals becoming more â€Å"business- like†through mergers, acquisition, and pay for performance, organizational culture in a hospital setting will need to be furthered analyzed and defined as a predicator of success. Purpose of the Concept Analysis Concept analysis helps to clarify vague or ambiguous concepts. It is a process to examine the structure and function of a concept (Walker Avant, 2011). There are numerous definitions and meanings of organizational culture in the literature. The purpose of this concept analysis paper is to develop a conceptual definition of Organizational Culture within a hospital setting. Historical Perspective of the Concept and Current Uses A thorough integrated literature review was conducted utilizing the method and recommendations outlined by Broom (2000). Organizational culture has roots in anthropology, sociology, psychology, as well as, organizational behavior and system theory. In 1879, Sir Edward Tylor, defined culture as a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs, and any capabilities and habits acquired by a human as a member of society( Salehi, 2012). The word culture is often used to describe nationalShow MoreRelatedNursing and The Organizational Culture of Human Resource Management1495 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizational culture can play a very important role in any corporation’s success. As we learn more about how to make a company more successful through effective management of Human Resource, we are learning of the value of people, as a whole, and how they contribute to the success or failure of an organization. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Clash of Titans, Gladiator, and Apocalypto Essay Free Essays
Film 1: Clash of Titans The director of Clash of the Titans 2010 was Louis Leterrier. The starring actors were Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, and Gemma Arterton. The movie takes place between 8000 – 600 BCE in Argos. We will write a custom essay sample on Clash of Titans, Gladiator, and Apocalypto Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The movie is about Perseus and his journey in stopping the Kraken. Perseus was found in the water in a coffin and taken care of by Spyros, a fisherman, and his wife. The humans soon declared war against the gods after being mad at them because of their mistreatment. Perseus family was killed after their boat was drowned by Hades. Zeus wanted to punish the mortals for their rebellion against the gods. So Hades gave the people of Argos one week to sacrifice the princess to save everyone of Argo or else he will release the Kraken. Perseus also discovers that he is the son of Zeus. Perseus decides to go on a quest along the army to find a way to kill the Kraken and get his revenge on Hades. Hades also sends King Acrisius to kill Perseus and he is planning on killing Zeus. Perseus and the soldiers get attack by Acrisius on there way to the Stygian Witches. The Dihing, non-human desert sorceress, helped Perseus and the soldiers kill the monsters and help heal Perseus because he is the only one that can help them get freed from the gods. When they get to the Witches they find out the only way to kill the Kraken is by using Medusa. The witches also tell Perseus that he will die. As they are leaving Perseus comes across Zeus. He gets offered to live as a god but Perseus turns him down. They then go to the underworld to Medusa’s lair. The remaining soldiers are killed by Medusa. Perseus uses his shield as a mirror and is able to cut Medusa’s head off. As he is leaving the lair Lo is killed by Acrisius but Percy kills him using the sword Zeus gave him. Meanwhile, Zeus awakes the Kraken and discoveries that Hades tricked him into making Hades more powerful. Perseus is able to return to Argo in time to stop the Kraken with the help of the Pegasus. He successfully defeated the Kraken by showing him the head of Medusa and sends Hades back to the underworld. In the end Zeus offers godhood to him but once again he turns him down. Zeus brings Lo back to live instead. This film is historically significant because it teaches us about the Greek. We can see how they lived during 8000 – 600 BCE. The way they dress, their beliefs, and government. During that time the Gods were really important. They were the ones that created mortals and they need the mortal’s prayers to live. Film 2: Gladiator Gladiator (2000) was directed by Ridley Scott. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, and Connie Nielsen were the starring actors. The film takes places in 180 AD. It’s about Maximus the commander becoming a gladiator and all the hardships he went through. After Maximus helps wins the war he just wants to go back home. Emperor Marcus Aurelius wanted Maximus to become the emperor after he dies to stop the corruption in Rome. Commodus, the emperors’ son, is mad that he won’t be the next emperor, so he kills his father in order to become the new emperor. After the king dies Commodus orders for Maximus and his family to be executed but Maximus was able to escape. Maximum wasn’t able to save his family from getting executed. Maximus was found by slavers and taken to Zucchabar. There he was sold as a slave and forced to become a gladiator. He had to kill others in order to not get killed. He was taken back to Rome to fight at the Coliseum for the 105-day games. He was told if he won the crowded he would get his freedom. He was able to win the battles by using his commander skills to lead his team. He is now known as Spaniard the gladiator. When Commodus found out that he was Maximus the army tried to kill Maximus and the other gladiators, but they were saved by the crowd. Commodus tried killing him again by putting him to fight with the only undefeated fighter and tigers but failed. Maximus came up with a plan to get him and his men freedom and then he will kill Commodus. He wants to make Emperor Marcus wish come true and make Rome into a Senate power again. His plan failed once Commodus finds out the true by threatening his sister to make her tell him he truth. Then Commodus and Maximus fight a one on one battle in the Colosseum. Maximums was able to defeat Commodus, but in the end, he also ends up dying. Before he dies he says he wants his men freed and for Senator Gracchus to be in power again. Maximum was finally able to be reunited with his family. The movie shows a historical context by showing the lives of gladiators and what they went through. It shows that gladiators were forced to fight and the condition of life they had. It also shows how the Romans were entertained by violence in the past. We also see the way the Romans dressed, there armor, and weapons is different to today. Another historical thing shown is that during that time they also had slaves. Film 3: Apocalypto Apocalypto was a movie made in 2006. The director of the film was Mel Gibson. The starting actors were Gerardo Taracena, Raoul Max Trujillo, and Dalia Hernà ¡ndez. The movie takes place in 1511 in Veracruz. It’s about the downfall of the Mayan civilization. Jaguar Paw, a hunter, and his tribe get attack by the Mayan people. Their huts get set on fire and they fight to not get captured. Jaguar Paw was able to save his pregnant wife and son, but he was captured and his father was killed. The Mayan captured the people from the tribe but left the kids behind. When they got to the Mayan city the women were sold as slaves, while the men were to be used as a sacrifice. The Mayan wanted to sacrifice people to the gods so that they could become strong again. A solar eclipse happened which saved Jaguar Paw from being killed. The rest of the men that didn’t get sacrificed were told they could be free if they were able to run to the corn stock. They were getting shot with arrows to prevent them from succeeding. Only Jaguar paw was able to get out alive but got injured. While trying to escape he killed Zero Wolf’s son so the Mayan soldiers went after him. Using the hunting skills and the forest knowledge he learned he was able to kill all the Mayans who were after him. Jaguar Paw was able to rescue his wife, son, and newborn son before they drowned in the cave. They see ships on the shore but instead of going and investigating they decided to start a new life together in the forest. This shows history relevance because it shows how the Mayan civilization was about to fall. We also see that the people of the tribe and the Mayan dressed different. They also had different tattos and percings. It also shows the Mayan architecture like the pyramids. It also shows the language of the mayan which is Yucatec Maya. Another history relevance is the way of live of the tribe in the jungle. How to cite Clash of Titans, Gladiator, and Apocalypto Essay, Essays
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